Food Choices After & Before Hijama/Wet Cupping Therapy

The best results from Hijama cupping therapy can be obtained through good food choices.

What is Hijama Cupping Therapy?

Hijama cupping therapy is a popular alternative treatment in which cups are placed on the skin to create suction to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation and activate lymphatic drainage. The vacuum created on the skin during the process aids in improving the blood circulation of the affected area.

Common Questions Related to Food With Cupping

1- Should we perform Cupping on an empty stomach if yes then why?

2- How much gap is necessary between eating food and the Hijama session?

3- What should we eat before the session of Cupping Therapy?

4- How much gap is mandatory to eat food after the session of Hijama cupping therapy?

5- What should be eaten after the session of Hijama cupping therapy?

6- Does food choices impact the results of Hijama cupping therapy?

Let’s discuss some common questions everyone inquires about food choices before and after Hijama cupping therapy.

1- Should we perform Cupping on an empty stomach if yes then why?

Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) preferred Hijama on an empty stomach.

Ibn Umar reports Our Prophet(P.B.U.H) saying,

“Hijama(cupping) is the best on an empty stomach. In it Is the cure and a blessing”.

[Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah (3488)].

Abdullah Ibn Abbas said, “Rasool Allah(P.B.U.H) was cupped while fasting”.

Saheeh al Bukhari(5694).

Eating before Hijama Cupping Therapy should be prohibited because food activates the digestive system and the blood circulation to recompense digestion. During digestion, the blood circulation speeds up, which leads to an increase in heartbeat, blood flow and high blood pressure. Half of the body’s blood gets busy with digestion so the other important organs especially the heart, lungs or brain do not get enough blood. The blood flow distributes the digested nutrients to the tissues and organs of the body. Our body gets so busy during digestion that this situation is not fit to perform Hijama Cupping Therapy. If Hijama Cupping Therapy is performed with a full stomach, the effects of the suction could disrupt the blood circulation of the body and cause some side effects to our health.

Empty stomach Hijama is recommended for good results

2- How much gap is necessary between eating food and the Hijama session?

If your appointment for Hijama is in the early morning, then overnight fasting can do marvels. A client should be healthy enough to bear overnight fasting and perform hijama in that condition.

If your appointment is in the middle of the day or onwards, don’t starve yourself, three to four hours gap of food is enough to get good results from Hijama. If your gap is over six hours, your sugar levels could drop, resulting in dizziness. Dizziness can be described as lightheadedness, unsteadiness, a sense of spinning or feeling faint. There could be several reasons for dizziness during or after the session of Hijama. An individual may feel dizzy or off balance when the heart doesn’t pump enough blood to the brain. If an individual has low iron levels (anemia) or blood sugar (diabetes) drops, they can feel dizziness during or after Hijama cupping therapy.

Age is another important element in the gap between eating food and Hijama sessions. If the client is 50+ then two hours of food gap is more than enough before the session. Sometimes clients have specific health concerns like diabetes in which clients can’t starve themselves for more than an hour. So, the food gap should be according to a client’s age, health issues and appointment timings.

3- What should we eat before the session of Cupping Therapy?

Healthy light food is highly recommended before the hijama session which includes:

Fresh fruits and Vegetables: The best food choices before cupping is fresh fruits and vegetables. The digestive system doesn’t need to work hard to digest them as they are easy to digest. They are also rich in Vitamin C which boosts the formation of collagen. This formation promotes healing, enhances energy levels and boosts immunity.

Complex Carbohydrates: Whole grains, pulses, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, a few vegetables and fruits are examples of complex carbs. They facilitate better digestion. Quick carbs are easily digested, elevate mood, and trigger the release of serotonin, also known as the “happiness hormone”.

Unsaturated Fats: Oily fish, nuts, avocados, olive oil, and dried fruits are good sources of unsaturated fats that the body can use for preparation before the cupping session. They are helpful and essential when utilized appropriately.

Lean Protein: Proteins are one of the essential elements of balanced food. Lean protein can be obtained from plant-based foods like lentils and beans and animal sources like fish and low-fat dairy. Plant-based foods are an excellent source of fibre. Fibre lowers the high blood pressure and regulates blood sugar levels. Higher blood pressure and lower sugar levels are common with cupping therapy. Eat fibre before treatment and make your body ready for the worst situations.

Avoid greasy food and consume healthy food for good results from Hijama

Avoid greasy, oily and processed food before the session of Hijama. These foods contain high amounts of saturated fats that take longer to digest.

Caffeine should also be avoided before the session because too much caffeine drains liquids from the body, and increases blood pressure and heart rate which may negatively impact the treatment.

Drink plenty of water before cupping therapy to prevent dehydration and enhance the healing.

Caffine in coffee drains water from blood

4- How much gap is mandatory to eat food after the session of Hijama cupping therapy?

Eat something right after the session ends, for example, start with honey water and dates.

Sometimes after the session, sugar levels drop, the client feels dizzy, and instantly eating something helps regain energy and strength.

5- What should be eaten after the session of Hijama cupping therapy?

Drink honey water right after the treatment of Hijama Cupping therapy. Our Holy Prophet used to drink honey mixed with water on an empty stomach.

When we perform Hijama our body becomes weak so to boost energy it is important to drink a natural energy booster i.e. honey water.

It is highly recommended to eat dates after drinking honey water.

Dates are the fruit of our Beloved Prophet and are mentioned in the Qur’an 22 times.

Our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) said, He who eats seven Ajwa dates every morning, will not be affected by poison or magic on the date he eats them.” [Bukhari].

Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “Indeed in dates, there is a cure”.

Dates contain high amounts of protein, fibre, vitamins, iron and natural sugar. Dates have exceptional nutritional value that helps to boost the energy that must have been forfeited during the session of Hijama cupping therapy. That is the reason eating dates are recommended after the session of cupping.

Eat healthy nutritious meals after the treatment of Hijama Cupping therapy. Lean protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, hydrating beverages like coconut water, fish, brown rice, lentils, legumes, dark chocolate, and fresh fruit smoothies can be beneficial options to add to your post-cupping therapy meal plan.

Twenty-four hours after and before Hijama animal food should not be eaten. Animal foods especially red meat contain protein which makes the blood thicker. Thick blood makes blood clots and sometimes causes problems. The same procedure goes for dairy products. Most dairy products have a huge amount of proteins in them. Omega-3-rich foods should also be avoided for at least 24 hours.

Sometimes, if you take animal or dairy products by mistake then take a tablespoon of olive oil and vinegar mixture to avoid the effects of the animal or dairy food.

6- Does food choices impact the results of Hijama cupping therapy?

Of course, with the food choices mentioned above, excellent results can be obtained through Hijama cupping therapy.

The heavy meal takes 48 to 72 hours to digest and after the treatment, our priority is to promote healing, it starts when food is digested so eat something very light. Light food is digested in a few hours and after that, the body focuses on making new blood cells. New blood cells replace the old ones, ensure a huge amount of oxygen to the tissues, fight infections, and boost the immune system.

To conclude, food choices before and after Hijama cupping therapy play a key role in achieving good results. Proper nutrition helps to support the body to recover and to boost overall health.