Home Remedies

Hijama Cups

Home Remedies

Lemon Water

Lemon water

Citrus fruits, including lemons, are excellent for home remedies as they flush toxins out of the liver. Lemon water improves liver function, boosts the immune system, aids digestion, and helps with weight loss.

Best Fat Burn Drink

1- Ginger 

2- Black Pepper

3- Turmeric

4- Cinnamon stick

Add all the ingredients to a pan, boil them for a few minutes and consume that drink on an empty stomach.

Fat burn drink
Constipation and caster oil

Constipation and caster oil

If you are having troubles with constipation, try thid remedy. Castor oil has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, and pain-relieving properties that may relieve constipation.

Magical Detox Liver Drink 

1- Beet Root

2- Ginger

3- Lemon drops

4- Pink Salt

Blend all Ingrediants together and naturally cleanse your liver.

Detox drink

Eczema Ointment

Coconut oil has an antifungal and antiyeast properties, its an excellent oiltment for skin issues like eczema and psoriasis. Chickweed helps to control itching on the affected area of the skin.

Remedy For Tonsilitis, Soar Throat And Swelling

Tonsilitis, sore throat and swelling can be reduced by goggling with the water mentioned above.
cough Syrup

Natural Cough Syrup

1- A pinch of black pepper powder
2- A pinch of ginger powder
3- A pinch of turmeric powder
4- A spoon of honey
5- Lemon drops 
Add all dry ingrediants in a spoon of honey with a drop of lemon in it. Use a teaspoon everyday and get rid of seasonal cough.

Nabeez-An Energy Drink

Nabeez is a prophetic drink, recommended by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).t is an alkaline tonic that removes acidity from the stomach. It enhances digestion as it is rich in soluble fibre as well as promotes the elimination of metabolic waste from the body.
Nabeez-An Energy Drink
Best energy drink

Energy Drink

Black seed and fenugreek seed oil is an energy drink that help to regain energy.

Skin Tightning Face Mask

Apply this mask once in a week and be amazed with miraculous results.

Neck Pain Balm

Natural balm for stiffness and neck pain. Make it at home and apply it around the neck for pain relief.

Best Remedy For Stones

Soak Kalongi and methi dana in a glass of water overnight, boil it in the morning squeeze lemon in the morning and drink it on empty stomach.

Remedy To Speed Up Metabolism

Method: Boil a glass of water, add crushed or sliced ginger. Turn off the stove. Steam it for few minutes then add lemon and honet to taste. This is a best remedy to boost up the metabolism and reduce weight.

Remedy For Thyroid

Coriander is full of antioxidants that demonstrate immune-boosting, anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects. It may help lower blood sugar, fight infections, and promote heart, brain, skin, and digestive health.

Skin Tightening Remedy

A paste of oatmeal+milk+honey is inexpensive and experienced remedy to tighten the skin. Egg white can also be used to tighten the skin.

Remedy for Itchy Skin

This remedy is amazing for itchy skin, psorisis and rashes.

Remedy For Glowing Skin

Apply the paste 3 times a week to get glowing skin.

Cracked Heels Balm

Apply this balm for cracked heels and witness the magic.

Best Home Remedies For Fatty Liver

Having trouble with liver, try one of these remedies.

Remedy For Irregular Periods

Important Note: Grind all these ingredients in equal amount. Comsume this powder 14 days prior to the expected date of periods and when you get your periods stop using the powder. After the gap of 15 days start taking the powder again till the periods come again.
Remedy for Constipation

Remedy for Constipation

Soak figs (injer) in a glass of water overnight. Grind it in the morning and drink that water

Drink For Kidney Stones

Add all these ingredients in a warm glass of water and drink three times a day to get good results.

Face Pack For Acne

Apply this face pack three times a week and notice amazing results.

Remedy For Uric Acid

Soak black seeds (kalonji) & fenugreek seeds (Methi dana) overnight. Give that water one boil in the morning. After cooling it a bit add a few drops of Lemon, Honey & one tbsp of Apple cider vinegar

remedy for uric acid

Best Drink For Dark Spots

Drink the tea once a day and witness miraculous results.

Magical Paste For Knee Pain

At first apply olive oil on the knee. Then apply the paste mentioned above. Apply the paste everyday for 30 days
Magical Paste For Knee Pain
Anti-Inflammatory Juice

Anti-Inflammatory Juice

Recipe for anti-inflammatory juice: 1- One green apple + 2- one cucumber + 3- Bunch of spanich + 4- A few drops of lemon + 5- Ginger + 6- Mint leaves. Grind all ingrediants and drink two times a week.

3 best Anti-Inflammatory Teas

1- Turmeric tea
2- Ginger tea
3- Cinnamon Tea
3 best Anti-Inflammatory Teas


Ingredients to prepare Talbina: 1- One cup milk+ 2- 3 tbsp barley powder+ 3- Honey to taste+ 4- Dry fruits (optional) Boil milk add all ingredients and enjoy delicious and nutritious Talbina

How To Lose Weight With Water?

Try drinking water in the sunnah way. 1- Drink water while sitting down. 2- Do not drink water rapidly. 3- Drink a glass of water in as many small sips as possible. For ex: I glass in 200 sips.

A Guide to Cupping Therapy: Hijama, A Journey to Natural Healing

Explore the profound world of Hijama cupping therapy in this enlightening guide by Rabia Anjum. This book delves into the rich history and practice of this revered therapeutic technique, tracing its origins from ancient Egyptian rituals to its place in Islamic tradition. Through detailed explanations and practical insights, Rabia Anjum illuminates both wet and dry cupping methods, providing readers with essential knowledge on techniques, materials, and benefits.

Whether you’re new to cupping therapy or seeking to deepen your understanding, this book offers a thorough guide to the practice, including preparation, aftercare, and potential benefits. Discover how Hijama can enhance your well-being, alleviate common ailments, and harmonize your body’s natural healing processes.