Hair Fall in Women and Hijama Cupping Therapy

A person loses between 50 –100 strands of hair per day. It might sound too much but losing this much hair every day is perfectly normal. Losing that much hair doesn’t affect your appearance as your head has plenty more to make up for the daily loss. However, if you notice thinning hair or end up with big clumps in your hand while brushing or in your bathtub while bathing then it is a reasonable cause for your concern. So, let’s discuss major causes and solutions for hair loss in women.

Hair Loss in Women

Most people assume that hair loss only affects men. According to research, more than 50% of women experience hair loss. The most significant cause of hair loss in women is pregnancy, menstrual cycle problems, menopause, thyroid disorder, anemia, etc. Any woman can experience hair loss, it is more common in:

  • Women older than 35
  • Pregnant women
  • Menopausal women
  • Women who have some specific medical conditions
  • Women who like experimenting with their hair
  • Women who use harsh chemicals on their hair
  • Women who like tight ponytails or tight braids

The Hair Growth Cycle

The growth cycle of every hair is different. Between starting to grow and falling out years later, each hair passes through four stages.

1- Anagen (Growing Stage)

The growing stage lasts from two years to eight years. This phase determines the length of our hair. Almost 90% of the hair grows in this stage.

2- Catagen ( Transition Stage)

This stage lasts about ten days in which hair follicles shrink and detach from the dermal papilla.

3- Telogen ( Resting Stage)

This stage lasts around three months. Old hair rests and new hair behind to grow in this stage.

4- Exogen ( New Hair Stage)

In this stage, old hair sheds and new hair continues to grow. Approximately, 50–100 hair sheds every day. It is considered normal hair shedding.

Risk Factors Of Hair Loss

Several factors may increase the risk of hair loss, including:

  • Family History
  • Age factor
  • Crash diets
  • Poor dietary habits
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Certain medical conditions like thyroid
  • Depression, anxiety
  • Hormonal imbalance

Symptoms Of Hair Loss

Hair loss may appear in many different ways, depending upon the reasons for hair loss. An individual may feel sudden hair loss or gradual thinning of hair. Few symptoms include:

  • Thinning of hair on the top of the head: This type of hair loss is common in both men and women. Men begin to recede hair on the forehead and women notice that their hairline broadens a little.
  • Bald spots: These spots may be circular or patchy. Bald spots may appear on the scalp, beard or eyebrows. Sometimes the skin may become itchy or painful before the hair falls out.
  • Losing hair after trauma: A physical or emotional trauma may cause immediate hair fall. The hair may come out quickly while you are washing or combing your hair.
  • Hair loss due to medical treatment: Some certain medical situations like chemotherapy result in loss of hair all over the body.

Different Types of Alopecia

Alopecia means “ hair loss”. Alopecia causes hair loss mostly on the head and face. This disease is different for each person. Some people’s hair grows back fully while others don’t grow at all. The cause of alopecia could be anything from genetics to experimenting with the hair or maybe something triggers the immune system to attack hair follicles. Four types of alopecia are as under:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Cicatricial Alopecia
  • Traumatic Aleopecia

Causes of Hair Fall

There are many different types of hair fall with a variety of different causes. Several medical conditions are associated with hair loss in women. Some common causes in women may include:


Some women may experience excessive hair fall during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth. Excessive hair fall occurs due to the decrease in estrogen levels. This type of hair loss is temporary and hair regrows within a year or maybe sooner than a year.


Certain medications have side effects that may cause hair to fall out. Medicines for acne treatment, blood thinners, anti-depressants or cholesterol-lowering drugs may cause hair loss. Abruptly stopping medication can cause serious health problems. If you think that medication is causing hair loss then talk to your doctor first.

Birth Control Pills:

Several women may experience hair loss while using birth control pills. Others might experience hair fall several months after they stop taking pills.

Crash Diets:

Nutritional deficiencies are the major cause of hair loss. Extreme crash diets that are very low in proteins, vitamins, iron can cause excessive hair shedding.

Family History:

Heredity is also one of the major causes of hair loss. This condition is called androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. Males tend to lose hair from the temples and crown of the head. In females, hair usually becomes thinner all over the head.

Hormonal Changes:

Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause or thyroid problem can cause hair loss. When the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop, hair grows more slowly and becomes much thinner. A decrease in these hormones also triggers an increase in the production of androgens, male hormones. Androgen shrinks hair follicles, resulting in hair loss at the end.

Harmful Chemicals in Hair Products:

Chemicals in hair products may be a major cause of hair fall that most people don’t consider. There are an abundant amount of chemicals in your shampoos and conditioners that could be a huge contribution to hair fall. For example, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, parabens, propylene glycol and sodium chloride are harsh chemical detergents used in many shampoos and oils.


Hair loss happens with age. Hair growth becomes slow as we age. At some point, hair follicles stop growing that’s how hair gets thin on the scalp. Hair also loses colour as we age. The hairline of women naturally starts to recede with age.

Tighten hairstyles:

Choose your hairstyle wisely because excessive hairstyling that pulls your hair tightly such as pigtails, can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Continual pulling of the hair can cause permanent hair loss.

Scalp infection or scalp psoriasis:

Many people who have scalp infections or scalp psoriasis can lead to scaly and inflamed areas on a scalp. Some people may develop a bald spot. These infections may cause hair loss.

Foods Best for Hair Growth

Nutritional deficiencies are the major cause of hair fall. It is very important to feed your hair with the right ingredients like protein, iron. However, taking a balanced diet is essential. Nutritious food is a foundation of strong hair and a healthy body. Foods that help to keep hair strong are as under:

  • Fish, Chicken, Turkey
  • Yogurt
  • Sweet potato
  • Spinach and other leafy greens
  • Avocadoes
  • Brocolli
  • Eggs
  • Strawberries
  • Oats
  • Flex seeds, Chia Seeds, Sesame seeds

Natural Treatments for Hair Loss :

1- Scalp massage doesn’t cost anything and has no side effects scalp massage encourages blood flow and removes dead skin cells.

2- Onion juice is one of the cheapest remedies for the regrowth of hair. Sulphur in onion juice helps with the regrowth of hair. Garlic or ginger juice could help too with hair loss.

3- Avoid combing wet hair. Brushing wet hair can injure hair follicles and increase hair loss.

4- Staying hydrated is very important for the growth of hair. Roots of hair soak up water from the body which boosts hair growth. If the body doesn’t have enough water to reach up to the scalp then hair may become dry, brittle and eventually stop growing.

5- Avoid smoking, it reduces the amount of blood that flows to the scalp and decreases hair growth.

6- Aromatherapy is being used to treat hair loss for more than 100 years. Try rubbing lavender, rose merry or thyme oil on your scalp for 2 minutes every night and get relaxed.

7- Be gentle with your hair, don’t use too many curlers, straighteners or other hair products.

8- Avoid depression or stress in your life. Try techniques like meditation, deep breathing, yoga and relaxation exercises.

9- Harsh chemicals in shampoos can badly affect hair so choose the right shampoo for you.

10- Healthy hair is dependent on a healthy diet. Your body needs the right amount of multivitamins, biotin, protein, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, iron and much more.

Home Remedies For Hair Fall

Most cases of thinning hair are treatable with home remedies.

1- Egg Mask: Eggs are rich in sulphur, iodine, zinc, protein, selenium which help promote hair growth.

Preparation method: Separate egg white in a bowl, add coconut oil and honey. Mix it well and apply it on the scalp for half an hour then washed it with lukewarm water.

2- Green Tea: Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help to boost hair growth.

Preparation method: Soak two bags of green tea in a hot water bowl. Let it cool down then massage the water on the scalp and rinse it with lukewarm water.

3- Yogurt: Bactria in yogurt help to reduce dandruff and makes hair shiny and silky.

Preparation method: In a bowl mix two tablespoons of yogurt with honey and lemon juice. Apply it on the scalp and wash it with lukewarm water.

4- Egg yolk & yogurt: Egg yolk contains peptides that stimulate hair growth.

Preparation method: In a bowl mix one egg yolk with two tablespoons of yogurt. Mix it well and apply it on the scalp for an hour then rinse it with lukewarm water.

5- Aloe vera hair mask: Aleo vera has moisturizing properties that reduce hair fall and helps to treat dandruff.

Preparation method: 2 tbsp of yogurt+ 2 tbsp of olive oil + 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel + 1 tsp of honey. Mix all ingredients well, apply on the scalp for an hour and rinse it with lukewarm water.

6- Avocado hair mask: Avocado is rich in vitamin A, E, B5, minerals, antioxidants and fatty acids that improve scalp health.

Preparation method: Mash half ripe avocado in 2 tbsp of yogurt, coconut oil and honey. Apply the paste on the scalp and wash it with warm water.

Hair Fall & Hijama Cupping Therapy

Several drugs are in the market that may help with hair loss but every drug has some side effects. Hijama Cupping therapy has no side effects at all.

Hijama cupping therapy can be treated for many disorders like migraine, joint pain and back pain. Hair loss can also be treated with Hijama cupping therapy. For the treatment of hair fall, four sunnah points of the head are being targeted. The purpose of Hijama on the scalp is to use suction to open the follicles and promote blood circulation to help maintain the hair. Suction also helps to get rid of toxins under the scalp and also improves the DHT level under the scalp.

Dry cupping should be applied on the scalp first to boost deep tissues on the scalp. After dry cupping wet cupping should be performed. Light incisions should be made on the scalp to extract the bad blood and toxins like DHT.

The shaving of the head is important to perform Hijama cupping therapy. Shaving is required because the cups need to stick to the scalp.

There are also few points at the back for hair fall. Two to three sessions are more than enough to treat hair fall. Head sunnah points and back points are being targeted to treat hair fall.

Hijama Cupping therapy is one of the most successful therapy for the treatment of hair loss. It is easy and affordable as well. It doesn’t cost a lot like a hair transplant or other costly hair treatments. This is a method in which you see results in a very short time.