How does Hijama Cupping Therapy help To Cure Migraines?

Migraine is not only a bad headache but is a neurological disease that involves throbbing pain and pulsing sensation mostly on one side of the head.

Migraine is a medical condition that often comes with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, and smell. Migraine attacks may last hours to days and these severe headaches may interfere with the daily activities of individuals.

Age: There is no specific age span for migraines. It can affect children, and teenagers, as much as it can affect adults. Migraine can appear at any age, it often starts in adolescence, is more persistent when people turn near the 30s, and then reduce over the following years.

Gender: Migraine affects one in four women and one in fifteen men. Women are three times more likely than men to have migraines.

Causes of Migraine

The specific cause of migraines is still unexplained but numerous factors are linked with the cause of migraines. Migraines are influenced by several environmental, hormonal, dietary, emotional, psychological, or medical factors.

1- Environmental factors

Environmental factors like weather changes may be a cause of migraines. Extreme weather conditions such as severe humidity, low barometer pressure, rapid exposure to cold weather, or tropical climate may trigger a headache.

2- Emotional factors

Different emotions have different impacts on the human body. The emotions of excitement, turmoil, confusion, depression, stress, shock, or anxiety can trigger migraines. The hormone cortisol is released when an individual is stressed, it’s helpful to cope with the situation but too much of it can cause migraine attacks.

3- Hormonal factors

In women, fluctuating hormone levels can be a major factor for chronic or menstrual migraines. The change in hormonal levels especially during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause may exacerbate migraine attacks. Menstrual migraine attacks are more painful as compared to ordinary migraine attacks.

4- Family history

Genetics is thought to play a vital role as one of the causes of migraines. It means that migraine is often inherited in families. Most individuals get migraines because of their genes.

5- Sleeping disorder

Disturbed sleeping patterns are another cause of migraines. Eight hours of sleep is very necessary to refresh the human body and mind. The problems with sleep include falling or staying asleep, waking up too early, or having different sleeping patterns which result in severe migraine, fatigue, or poor concentration at work.

6- Medical factors

Medication-overuse headaches(MOH) are caused by regular, long-term use of medication. All medications have side effects and headache is one of the major side effects. A large variety of medicines including birth control pills, steroids, heart disease drugs, and even pain relief medications can cause migraines. Pain relief medications are supposed to relieve pain but when you take them more than a couple of days a week, it may trigger medication overuse headaches.

7- Dietary facts

Overeating, skipping meals or dehydration are a few of the most common facts that directly lead to a migraine attack. Many dietary habits like sensitivity to caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits, or cheese can lead to a migraine. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption can also trigger migraines. Low blood sugar or high blood sugar can also be a cause of a migraine attack.

8- Excessive screen time

Excessive exposure to bright screens like computers, television, cell phones, or iPods can cause eye fatigue. When our eyes look at a particular point continuously it may cause eye fatigue which further leads to tiredness and then of course migraine.

9- Sensory stimuli

A bright flashing light, a loud sound, or a strong smell can be a cause of migraine in some people.

10- Physical factors

Many physical factors like too much exercise, overexertion, lifting heavy material, and any muscular or physical pain like a toothache can trigger a migraine.

Symptoms Of Migraine By Stages

Symptoms of migraines are different for everyone. Migraines usually progress through four stages: prodrome, aura, attack, and postdrome. These stages distinguish whether it is a migraine or a headache. However, not everyone can experience all the symptoms of these four stages.


Early warning symptoms of migraine occur a few hours or days before a migraine. The symptoms include:

  • Mood swings
  • Food cravings
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, or smell
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Fluid retention
  • Excessive yawning


About 1 in 3 people with migraines, get an aura phase means around a quarter of people with migraines have an aura. These symptoms stem from your nervous system and mostly involve your vision. These symptoms start over a 5 to 20-minute period and last for an hour.

  • Changes in vision like black dots, wavey lines, sparkles, or stars
  • Skin sensations like pins or needles in arms or legs
  • Numbness mostly on one side of the body
  • Hearing ringing sounds in the ear
  • Difficulty speaking

Attack phase

In this stage, the migraine often begins from a moderate level to severe head pain. It gets worse with physical activity. The pain moving from one side of the head to the other side could be on the front side of the head, or could affect the entire head. It usually lasts from 4 to 72 hours. The attack phase may occur rarely or strike several times a month. It is very difficult to perform daily activities with this stage of migraine. The symptoms of the attack phase include:

  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, smell, or movement
  • Pain travels from one side of the head to another
  • Feels throbbing pain or pulsing sensation
  • Fainting


In this last stage of migraine, you may feel drained, fatigued, or washed out for a few hours or maybe a day. The symptoms of the last stage are similar to the symptoms of the first stage. Symptoms include:

  • Food craving
  • Tired or cranky
  • Mood swings
  • Confusion

Are Migraines Curable?

Research has proved that migraines have no specific cures yet. Medications are there that help to ease or stop the symptoms of migraine. But depending upon medication is not enough, some lifestyle changes should be adopted to avoid the symptoms. It is also very important to understand what triggers your migraines.

How To Cure Migraine Naturally?

If you have experienced a migraine then you will understand the fact that a migraine is not just a simple headache, it’s unbearable pain and nauseating feeling that doesn’t let you perform your daily household activities. When a migraine triggers, you will do anything to let the migraine go away.

Taking medication is a temporary solution and all medicines have side effects. Migraine can trigger at any time with anything so taking medicine all the time is not a permanent solution. Natural remedies are a drug-free solution to get rid of migraines. Let’s discuss a few natural remedies for migraines.

1- Massage your head with almond, coconut, or olive oil. When you massage your head circulation of the blood revolves around the head, making the pain fade away. 2- Tie a piece of cloth around your head that helps to soothe the pain of migraines. 3- Headbands that deliver heat, cold, or pressure may help alleviate migraine. 4- Inhaling lavender oil may ease migraines. Lavender oil may be inhaled directly through the nose or could be applied diluted to the temples. 5- Ginger not only helps with an upset stomach but this spice may also help with migraines beyond the nauseating feeling. The ginger powder reduces the severity and length of migraine attacks. 6- The menthol in peppermint oil may help to stop migraine attacks. Applying this oil to the forehead and temples is very effective. 7- Certain herbs including feverfew and butterbur may reduce headache symptoms. 8- Depression and stress are very common migraine triggers, so finding outlets for stress like exercise, yoga, meditation or deep breathing exercise may help to prevent future migraines. 9- Dehydration is also a well-known migraine trigger so, drinking water throughout the day is enough to stay hydrated. 10- Lack of sleep can trigger migraines so taking 7–8 hours of sleep each night is important to refresh yourself. 11- Drinking caffeinated drinks like tea or coffee may provide relief from migraines.

12- A deficiency of magnesium may trigger a menstrual migraine. Magnesium is important to control blood sugar and nerve transmission. You can get magnesium from almonds, Brazilian nuts, cashews, peanuts, eggs, and milk. 13- Applying pressure on some acupressure points with fingers and hands to specific points may relieve migraines. 14- Certain foods may trigger migraines so it is important to be aware of what food might trigger your migraines like sugary beverages or processed food. 15- Sometimes resting in a quiet, dark room is all you need to get rid of migraines. Tibb-e-Nabwi and Treatment of Migraine Ali Bin Abi Rafe’e reported on behalf of his grandfather Salma (Radi Allah ho Anhu): ‘’ If someone complained to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) for headaches, the prophet asked him for Hijama….(Abu Dawood)”. In addition, Sahih Hadith states that Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) used to tie a piece of cloth around his head. Abu Naeem related from Ibn Abbas Radi Allah Ho Anhu that he said, “Once, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) delivered a speech while a cloth was tied around his head”. So, before taking medicine try to tie a cloth around your head and follow the Hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Tibb-e-Nabwi insists on a simple diet high in fibre, low in animal protein, low in fats, and free from damaged fats. Treatment Of Migraine and Hijama Cupping Therapy A 2008 study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine suggests that Hijama is highly effective in treating the severity and frequency of tension and migraines naturally. Headaches are among those ailments that respond very well to Hijama cupping therapy. Hijama cupping therapy is a form of non-invasive healing in which suction is created on specific sections of the patient’s head and neck. This suction results in an increase in blood flow to those specific areas and promotes healing. Migraines occur when there is a reduction of blood in the brain. Hijama not only cleanses the blood but also clears up all blockages and stagnations in the body. Hijama cleans up the whole Cardiovascular system. Migraine is defined as severe pain in the area of the head and neck and this pain has varied in intensity, duration, and area around the head. Hijama cupping therapy reduces the intensity of migraines and is an effective method of treatment. Hijama cupping has a very positive and beneficial impact on migraines. The beauty of this therapy is that the results are immediate and long-lasting.

  • The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said:” The best treatment is Hijama Cupping; it removes blood, lightens the back, and sharpens the eyesight”. (Tirmidhi 3053)

There are mainly three types of cupping involved in the treatment of migraine:

  • Fixed cupping Therapy
  • Moving cupping Therapy
  • Hijama wet cupping Therapy

Hijama Treatment For the treatment of migraine, it is very important to have a series of Hijama treatments along with lifestyle changes, a well-balanced diet plan, an increase in water intake, 30 minutes walk and a few yoga poses. Some of the natural remedies mentioned above are very important to make a routine of your daily life. For the first, second, and third sessions, it is important to apply full Hijama detox to cleanse the blood. Sunnah points are very important to target, the primary sunnah points are at the nape of the neck and in the middle of the shoulder blades. It is very important to target these locations to treat them according to sunnah. The carotid arteries are also sunnah points and help to reduce the stress in the neck and shoulder. It is also important to target 4 head sunnah points as they clean the whole head; brain, eyes, ears, teeth, and neck. The lower back sunnah points draw toxic blood from the vital organs. This is how blood carries oxygen to the brain. The immune system works very well and muscles get relaxed at the end of the third session. Afterward, in the fourth session, fixed cupping and moving cupping should be applied to the 14 points of the cleansing Hijama therapy plan. For the last session, 4 head sunnah points should be targeted to detoxify the whole body. Hijama Wet cupping therapy is a very effective treatment for migraines. As Muslims, we believe in the decree of Allah and the cure comes from him alone. “ Allah has not sent down a disease except that He has also sent down a cure”. ( Bukhari & Muslim) Hijama is a natural, detox procedure that is very effective in promoting blood circulation, boosting immunity, balancing the body’s hormones, and revitalizing the body. According to research, it has proven to be a useful remedy to alleviate diseases like migraines and headaches. Hijama Cupping therapy is considered one of the best options for the treatment of migraines. Rest, Allah knows the best.

Migraine Headache Migraine Treatment Migraines Hijama And Migraine