How To Take Care Of Your Skin After Hijama Cupping Therapy?

Hijama Cupping Therapy is an alternative medical therapy that involves suction. Cups are applied to the skin to facilitate suction. The suction is like a deep tissue massage intended to mobilize the blood flow and speed up the natural healing procedure. It is necessary to educate the client about the skin’s sensitivity after the Hijama is done.
Bloating & Hijama Cupping Therapy

Bloating can be described as a condition in which an individual feels full, belly feels tight and often painful. The range of pain could be mild to intense. Before abdominal discomforts were limited to the occasional holiday festivities but now, one in ten individuals are suffering from regular bloating issues. Fortunately, it is a short-term problem that resolves on its own, depending upon what triggered it, could be a large meal or gas complaint.
How To Cure Insomnia with Natural Remedies And Hijama Cupping Therapy?

nability to sleep or stay asleep at night or both is called insomnia. It is a very common sleep disorder that makes it difficult to sleep or makes you wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep again.
How Many Hijama Sunnah Points Are There & What Are Their Benefits?

Several ahadith for Hijama have proven that Hijama cupping therapy is the sunnah of our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUM). The treatment of Hijama cupping therapy is an Islamic, natural and prophetic remedy for various common diseases. It was a standard method used by the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions to deal with several ailments.
How does Hijama Cupping Therapy help With Thyroid?

The Thyroid organ is shaped like a butterfly, lies below our Adam’s apple wrapped around the upper part of the windpipe. The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system which is responsible for the release of various hormones to perform different activities in our body.
How To Deal High Uric Acid Level Or Gout With Hijama Cupping Therapy.

Symptoms of gout develop when the levels of uric acid become too high in the blood due to the excessive consumption of purine in our bodies. A painful period of gout is called a gout attack. These painful flares of gout can start suddenly but can last for days and sometimes weeks. Gout occurs in only one joint at a time, it could be any joint in the body but mostly it is the big toe of the foot.
Does Hijama Cupping Therapy Heal the Heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis)?

Plantar fasciitis is a pain and inflammation in the bottom of the heel at the point where the thin band of tissues called the plantar fascia connects the heel bone to the front of the foot. The band of tissues called the plantar fascia goes through a lot of wear and tear in our daily routine. A rough routine or too much pressure on the bottom of the foot damages the tissues, as a result, the plantar fascia becomes inflamed and the inflammation causes stabbing pain that worsens as an individual takes the first few steps in the morning. As an individual gets up and moves around, the pain decreases eventually, but it returns after standing too long or when you stand up after a while.
Benefits Of Hijama Points 129,130,131,132

Where to located these Hijama points:
129: This Hijama point is on the back of the feet to the right.
130: This point is located on the side of the heel from inside and outside the ankle.
131: This point is located above the heel bone.
132: This sunnah point is located behind the heel bone.
Benefits of Hijama point no: 53 & 54.

Hijama Cupping Therapy is an alternative medicine involving suction from a body part. Cups are applied to the skin to facilitate suction. The suction is like a deep tissue massage intended to mobilize blood flow and speed up the natural healing process. The benefits of Hijama cupping therapy can not be described in a few words. It is a natural treatment that has a long history.
Benefits of Hijama/ Wet Cupping Therapy Under The Chin

everal ahadith for Hijama have proven that Hijama cupping therapy is the sunnah of our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUM). The treatment of Hijama cupping therapy is an Islamic, natural and prophetic remedy for various common diseases. It was a standard method used by the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions to deal with several ailments.