Dark circles and eye bags under the eyelids are not a severe health problem but it doesn’t look healthy and fresh.
Dark circles under both eyes occur when the skin beneath the eyes gets darkened. Bruising, injury around the eyes, redness or swelling is different than dark circles. These are not considered any medical emergency but dark circles under the eyes make us feel tired and unhealthy.
Reasons for Dark Circles
Dark circles appear under our eyes for many reasons that may or may not be associated with a health problem. Some of the most common causes are as follows:
1- Fatigue
Fatigue is one of the most common causes of the formation of dark circles. Excessive workload or staying up a few hours past bedtime can cause extreme fatigue and tiredness, resulting in dark circles.
2- Lack of Sleep
Sleep deprivation can cause the skin to become duller and paler. Dark circles appear darker on the pale skin. Getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night can help to reduce dark circles and good practice in sleep hygiene.
3- Aging
Aging is a common cause of dark circles and eye bags beneath the eyelids. As we age, the tissues beneath our eyes become thinner; as a result, the skin loses fat and collagen that maintains skin elasticity. As the skin becomes thin it starts to show dark blood cells beneath the eyes.
4- Dehydration
When our body is not well hydrated, the skin loses its freshness, looks dull and sometimes the eyes look sunken. One of the best ways to flush out the toxins from our body is by drinking seven to eight glasses of water daily. As a result, the skin will look plump, fresh and firm.
5- Allergies
Allergic reactions can also be the reason for dark circles. When an individual has allergic reactions the body releases a hormone called Histamines which may cause itchiness, puffy eyes and redness. Allergic reactions may urge to rub the itchy eyes, making the symptoms worse by swelling, redness, irritation and dark shadows beneath the eyes.
6- Broken Capillaries
Sometimes breakage of capillaries under the eyes may also cause dark circles. Breakage may occur because of any trauma to the skin. For example, if eyes have an allergic reaction, we rub our eyes which may cause the breakage of fragile capillaries and may cause eye circles.
7- Family History
Research has shown that one of the causes of dark circles may be genetics. With a family history of dark circles, anyone can have dark circles in their early childhood but they might get lighter or darker over time.
8- Sun Exposure
When we expose our body too much to the sun, our body starts producing melanin, a pigment that gives colour to the skin. This pigmentation particularly around the eyes may cause the skin to become darker. Melanin is also often referred to as “genetic hyperpigmentation” and can be treated by a dermatologist.
9- Anemia & Iron Deficiency
Anemia means having an insufficient amount of red blood cells in the body. When blood cells are anemic, they are unable to carry oxygen to different body tissues which may result in dark eye circles. A lack of red blood cells makes the skin paler which makes the dark circles more prominent.
10- Smoking
Smoking not only damages the skin but also leads to premature aging and is also one of the major causes of the increase in dark circles. Smoking dehydrates the skin and carbon monoxide in the cigarette can deprive the skin of oxygen which makes the skin dark in thin areas like under the eyes.
11- Extra Strain on Eyes
Extra strain on the eyes may enlarge the blood vessels, as a result, skin colour may get darker. Everyone spends too much time on digital screens which may cause strain on the eyes.
12- Stress
Depression and stress can also cause dark circles. When someone experiences a stressful situation the blood flow slows down. The skin in the thin area may create a darker hue due to the pooled blood. The pooled blood may enlarge the blood vessels and can also cause swollen bags under the eyes.
13- Medical Condition
Sometimes medical conditions or prolonged illnesses can be a reason for dark circles. Dark circles can begin to appear due to internal weakness. It is important to visit a doctor and do a blood test to determine the reasons for internal weakness. Hemoglobin levels should also be checked.
14- Lack of Healthy Diet
Preservatives in processed food or junk food or lack of healthy nutritious food in a diet plan may also cause the skin to look swell and give dark circles.
How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Naturally
There are several methods that people use — natural and medical — to get rid of dark circles. There is no proven way to remove dark circles completely, especially when the reason for dark circles is genetics. Since there is no way to change genetics so complete removal of dark circles is a question for everyone. However, some natural ways work very well to lighten the circles. Let’s discuss some of them.
1- Applying a cold compress in the morning and evening for 10 to 15 minutes may constrict the blood vessels and may reduce the appearance of dark circles. Dilated blood vessels may darken the area under the eyes, cold compress is the easiest way to reduce dark circles.
2- Cucumbers have skin-lightning and mild-astringent properties. Vitamin C content in the cucumber helps nourish the skin. Chop fresh cucumber into thick slices, refrigerate it for 20 minutes then apply it to the eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse the area with warm water. Repeat the treatment 3 times a week.
3- Caffeine in tea bags has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate blood circulation and help soothe dilated capillaries under the eyes. Take the used tea bags, refrigerate them for 30 minutes then apply them to the eyes for 10 minutes and rinse the area with water.
4- Poor blood circulation may cause the formation of dark circles. Gentle massage around the eyes may help to improve the dark circles. Coconut oil and Almond oil massage work very well.
5- Tomatoes are high in lycopene, a substance excellent for the skin. Tomato slices can be applied directly to the eyes and tomato eye toner can also be applied. For tomato eye toner, mix fresh tomato juice and lemon juice and apply the mixture around the eyes with the help of cotton balls for 10 to 15 minutes then rinse the area with warm water.
6- Potatoes are a source of vitamin C that promotes healthier, younger-looking skin. Chilled potato slices or potato juice have lightening effects on the skin. It has natural bleaching properties to lighten the skin and prevent eye bags around the eyes. Extract the juice from the potatoes, apply it around the eyes for 20 minutes then rinse it with normal water.
7- Rosewater is a natural skin toner. Rosewater smells amazing and rejuvenates dead skin cells. Spray a few drops of rosewater on the skin. Close the eyelids before spraying and leave them overnight.
8- The Aleo vera plant has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to improve skin hydration and removes the appearance of dark circles. Apply aloe vera pulp to your skin and leave it on overnight. Rosewater, honey and lemon juice can be mixed with aloe vera and applied to the skin to get good results.

9- Hydrate your body. When the body doesn’t have enough water, it looks pale, puffy and unfresh. The skin around the eyes is thin and vulnerable, so these areas get affected more easily.
10- Get eight hours of good night’s sleep to reduce eye circles and eye bags.
11- Regular exercise and meditation enhance blood circulation and transform dull skin into younger-looking skin.
12- It is important to wash your face twice a day, early in the morning and before sleeping.
13- A good skin-care routine and healthy lifestyle also enhance skin tone.
Facial Exercises for Dark Circles
Facial exercises help accelerate the blood flow around the eyes and tone the muscles under the eyes. These simple exercises target the muscles around the brows, eyes and forehead. These exercises also promote the natural glow of the skin.
- 1st Exercise: Start the facial exercise with a gentle massage. With the help of fingertips, pat the area around the eyes. Don’t put too much pressure on the fingertips, pat smoothly and gently.
- 2nd Exercise: Close your eyes, relax for a second then open them. Repeat the movement 8 to 10 times. Then start rolling your eyes in a circular motion. Repeat the movement 8 to 10 times.
- 3rd Exercise: Life the eyebrows 8 to 10 times.
- 4th Exercise: Make a v with the index and middle finger, and put them on the corner of both eyes. Move your fingertips clockwise and anticlockwise motion. Repeat the movement 8 to 10 times. This movement stimulates blood circulation and drains the lymphatic fluid from eye bags.
- 5th Exercise: Take the middle finger and circulate the eyes through the fingertips. Circular motion helps to de-puff the eye bags and makes the skin around the eyes smooth.
- 6th Exercise: This exercise can be performed with the help of knuckles. Bend your knuckles first circulate them around the eyebrows 8 to 10 times and then circulate the knuckles around the eyes. Repeat the movement 8 to 10 times.
- 7th Exercise: Massage the temples with the index and middle fingers. These are very important stress points to relieve headaches and depression.
Nutrition & Dark Circles
The skin around the eyes is a very delicate part of our body. Dehydration thins the blood vessels which creates dark circles. Hydrating foods and blood circulation-boosting antioxidants help to balance the fluids in the body. Having a balanced diet with nutritious food is the best and safest way to get rid of dark circles naturally.
- Watermelon: It is an excellent source of antioxidant properties that contain skin-strengthening sulphur and it also has vitamins A, C, E and K that increase the elasticity of blood vessels and remove dark circles.
- Cucumber: Cucumber has a high water content that rehydrates the skin. It also contains silica, sulphur and vitamins A, C and K that help to soften the skin and reduce dark circles.
- Tomatoes: They are high in antioxidants and lycopene that help to improve blood circulation and provide healthy skin.
- Blueberries: They are high in omega 3, vitamins A and K and very beneficial for good eye health.
- Omega-3 fatty acids: They build up the body’s defence system against different allergies which mostly initiate dark circles. They also protect the skin from the harmful radiation of the sun. Omega-3 fatty acids are in fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, fruits and green leafy vegetables.
- Beetroot: The red pigment in their fruit comes from betalain antioxidants that detoxify the body and are good for eye health.
- Sesame seeds: These seeds are considered magical seeds to prevent the formation of dark circles. They are rich in iron, zinc, copper, vitamin E and K which also help to rejuvenate the skin. These seeds can be used in different recipes and consumed with water.
- Oranges: They are rich in vitamins A and C which increase collagen and remove free radicals from the skin.
- Papaya: This fruit has anti-aging benefits, also known as a bleaching agent that removes dark circles and clear skin.
- Iron-rich foods: Iron deficiency slows down the process of creating healthy and new skin tissues. Including iron-rich foods such as soya beans, egg yolk, lentils, brown rice, red meat, chia seeds, spinach and broccoli in the regular diet helps to prevent dark circles.
- Carrots: They have anti-aging properties. Carrot juice tightens the skin and retains the natural glow and youthfulness.
- Anti-inflammatory diet: Anti-inflammatory diet includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, lean protein, nuts and seeds that help to deal with dark circles.
- Healthy fats: They are very important to reduce dark circles. Dark circles are prominent in individuals that have dry facial skin. Monosaturated fats and poly-saturated fats are necessary for a healthy diet.
Moving Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy is an ancient method that has been used worldwide. From ancient Egypt to China and from Hippocrates to Avicenna, there have been numerous descriptions of cupping therapy for different diseases.
Cupping Therapy has several categories. These three are the most used methods worldwide.
- Dry Cupping Therapy
- Moving Cupping Therapy
- Wet/Hijama Cupping Therapy
Moving cupping therapy is a unique method used as a traditional method for thousands of years. Moving cupping therapy is also considered massage cupping therapy.
For moving cupping therapy a gentle suction is applied to let the cups glide over the skin. Sometimes therapists apply oil or any moisturizer to the skin and create gentle pressure so that cups can move across the skin.
Silicone cups can be used for several cupping methods. The technique of using silicon cups was first used in traditional Chinese medicine. Silicone cups can increase blood circulation and aid in inflammation and pain reduction. Silicon cups are safe and more hygienic to use. Silicon cups and massage tools are mostly used in moving cupping therapy, especially on the face and around the eyes to reduce dark circles and eye bags.

Primarily, moving cupping therapy focuses on increasing the blood and lymph flow around the eyes and facial muscles. The blood flow brings oxygen-rich blood and lymph to the targetted area. Silicone cups are glided towards the lymph glands, as a way of helping the body expel toxins and waste through the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is responsible for clearing toxins from the body. Moving cupping therapy gives an extra boost to clear the toxins and increase blood circulation around the eyes.
Moving cupping therapy methods or massage techniques around the eyes have already been discussed above (Facial Exercise for Dark Circles).