Does Hijama Cupping Therapy Aid Energy Loss?

Do you feel tired all the time, if yes, then you aren’t alone?

Tiredness is described as lack of energy, feeling of lethargy, exhaustion, dullness, brain fog or feeling weak. Everyone feels tired from time to time if the cause of tiredness is lack of sleep, hectic workload or seasonal flu or cough then nothing to worry about, you will gain energy with time. But if the feeling of tiredness is permanent and it won’t go away then it could probably be a cause of any underlying health condition. In that case, visiting a doctor would be a good idea.

Lack of energy is never without a reason. There must be something you are doing wrong that is negatively affecting your health.

It is very important to diagnose the cause of tiredness because knowing the cause of tiredness can help you treat your problem.

Symptoms of Tiredness

  • Lack of motivation
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Not feeling fresh even after rest
  • Migraines & headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Dizziness
  • Tired muscles
  • Unable to perform regular activities
  • Feeling of loneliness

Categories of Tiredness

Lack of energy or tiredness can be categorized into 4 sections.

1- Unhealthy Diet

The key factor of having a healthy body is to have a well-balanced diet. Eating food high in carbohydrates, saturated fats and sugar always slows you down. After eating such food our blood sugar spikes and increases our insulin level, which instantly lowers our blood sugar level. As a result, we feel tired and cranky. Nutritional deficiencies always lead you to feel exhausted daily. Especially the deficiencies of Vitamin B9, B12 and vitamin C are directly linked to the lack of energy. Vitamins produce healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen from your lungs to the other parts of your body. Foods that contain vitamins such as meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products must be a part of your regular diet.

Iron deficiency anemia is very common these days. Lack of energy is the most common symptom of iron deficiency. But this deficiency may be restored by improving the iron levels.

Vitamin D deficiency may also cause a lack of energy.

Always eat breakfast because people who eat breakfast every morning are more energetic and fresh than those who skip their breakfast. Choosing a nutritious breakfast provides long-lasting energy for the whole day and keeps you full for hours. Healthy breakfast choices include foods high in fibre, protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. Some people choose to eat a smaller portion of meals more frequently during the whole day, which balances blood sugar levels.

  • Lack of Water Intake

Dehydration is a very important factor for the lack of energy in an individual’s body. Dehydration occurs when we are unable to replace the liquid that is used in the form of urine, sweat and stools. When we don’t get enough electrolytes and fluids, we enter into a state of dehydration which causes exhaustion, weakness and lack of energy. If you are on a medication then the risk of dehydration increases more because certain medicines absorb fluids from our body. Dehydration not only causes tiredness but also affects your focus and concentration. It also makes your skin pale and dull. I am not saying that you should most definitely drink 8 glasses of water per day but drink as much to hydrate your body.

2- Poor Lifestyle choices

If you are experiencing a lack of energy instead of having a well-balanced diet then probably poor lifestyle choices are the main cause.

  • Lack of sleep

Adequate sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and has a positive impact on vital organs, metabolism, weight controls and energy levels. Not getting enough sleep is one of the major causes of lack of energy. Many biological processes happen during our sleep. The brain stores new information and gets rid of toxic waste. Nerve cells communicate and re-organize which supports healthy brain cells. During sleep, our body repair cells, restore energy and release important growth hormones. That’s why most people wake up feeling refreshed and energetic after a good night’s sleep. Sleep is also considered a natural stress reliever.

If someone has a sleeping disorder, it can affect their immune system, disease resistance and brain function. Lack of energy triggered by lack of sleep can slow down the natural healing process, affects the defensive mechanism, as a result, increase the risk of various infections.

Seven to eight hours of sleep is necessary for the human body for optimal health. Sleep should be uninterrupted to allow the brain cells to work properly. The main purpose of sleep is to reduce an individual’s energy use during times of the day and night when you are in a situation where you can’t grab energy food.

If an individual has a sleeping disorder then getting enough sleep, falling asleep or staying asleep can be an issue. But there are several treatments for insomnia like home remedies, natural supplements or medication. It is important to visit a doctor for better treatment and suggestions.

Hijama cupping therapy is considered one of the best remedies for sleeping disorders.

Lack of Physical Activity

Several studies have proven that physical activity boosts energy levels. Regular exercise helps prevent many health problems and concerns including diabetes, blood pressure, stroke, depression, anxiety, arthritis………

Regular physical activity improves muscular strength and boosts energy. Physical activity delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and helps the cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. When our heart and lungs health improves, then we have more energy to tackle other issues.

Exercise is considered a natural energy booster because when you move around oxygen-rich blood flows towards your heart, muscles and brain. A regular workout is necessary even if you can spare 10 minutes of a day- it will boost your energy level to its peak.

Yoga is another natural energy booster. Yoga poses require a bit of back bending which develops flexibility in our spine, stretches our chest and of course, boosts our energy levels.

Our lives have become extremely busy nowadays. It’s easy for us to grab a cup of coffee or an energy drink to boost our energy for the rest of the day. But the truth is that natural alternatives like exercise, yoga, running, jogging, cycling or swimming can boost energy far better than anything.

Avoid Unhealthy Food

A well-balanced healthy diet that consumes vitamins, proteins, fibre and healthy fats should be taken to increase levels of energy and also provides lasting focus. Eating a poor quality diet high in junk food is linked to the higher risk of serious medical conditions, obesity and lack of energy.

Processed grains like white bread, white pasta, white rice can cause more harm than good when it comes to energy levels. Such a meal creates a quick rise in blood sugar and insulin levels, as a result, energy levels drop.

Breakfast cereals are supposed to be breakfast energizers but they are very low in fibre and very high in sugar which spikes insulin levels.

Coffee is assumed to put a positive impact on physical and mental health. Caffeine could create a short-term boost in energy but constantly relying on coffee instead of proper food and sleep can drain energy levels over time. Energy drinks not only contain a large amount of sugar but some of them contain more caffeine than a cup of coffee.

Fast foods are low in essential nutrients, you feel full for a time being but eventually, they zap your energy to perform any task for the next few hours.

Every meal is an opportunity to positively impact your health if you are used to leading a lifestyle where you don’t make healthy choices then consider changing your lifestyle.

Physical Health Issues

If you feel that you are always tired, you are unable to concentrate on your work or maybe you are too exhausted to manage your daily affairs, then maybe it’s time to check with your doctor.

Tiredness or lack of energy is not without any reason. Several health conditions can cause tiredness, weakness and lack of energy. Such health conditions include:

  • Seasonal allergies can be a very common cause of tiredness. These allergies can be easily treated and managed.
  • Viral infections, caused by bacteria and viruses, especially cold and flu can absorb your energy for days or weeks.
  • Anemia is the most common health condition among ladies, especially in their birth-bearing years. Lack of energy is a common symptom of anemia.
  • Iron deficiency is the most common cause of lack of energy. Its treatment may include iron supplements and iron-rich food.
  • Fibromyalgia is also a common cause of fatigue mostly in women. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are related disorders and they share a common symptom i.e. severe tiredness.
  • Heart disease makes you feel tired and exhausted all the time. If your tiredness is related to your heart then taking proper treatment can help you restore energy.
  • One of the common symptoms of Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism is extreme lack of energy. It helps to set the rate of metabolism, which is the rate at which the body uses energy.
  • Sleeping disorders are the major cause of tiredness. Feeling exhausted upon awakening may affect your health and quality of life.
  • Inflammatory arthritis is one of the major causes of excessive tiredness.
  • Diabetes can also cause an excessive lack of energy. Diabetes can be managed properly with the proper guidance of the doctor.

4- Mental Health Issues

Mental health conditions are like physical exhaustion, except it’s your mind instead of your body. Mental health can affect your quality of life, your ability to work and your problem-solving skills.

  • Emotional Exhaustion

Mental health is directly related to our emotions. When you are emotionally disturbed, you feel exhausted. Emotional tiredness absorbs your energy, makes you feel unmotivated and trapped. You can not concentrate on your work.

  • Depression & Anxiety

Chronic stress may lead to stress-related exhaustion disorder (ED). Depression has associated with changes in our brain cells i.e. dopamine. These neurotransmitters play a very important role in the regulation of energy levels, sleep, motivation and pleasure.

It is impossible to avoid stress and depression in our day-to-day life. Depression has become a regular part of our daily routine so it is better to know how to deal with it. Hijama Cupping therapy is one of the best options to deal with depression and stress.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Common symptoms of SAD are lack of energy, depression, sleeping problems, trouble focusing and suicidal thoughts.

How to Gain Energy Naturally?

1- Sleepless nights may make you exhausted. Rest is very important for the mind and body because not getting enough sleep may drain your energy levels.

2- Nutritious meals can provide your body with the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function properly. On the other hand, eating unhealthy food can affect your energy levels and your overall health.

3- Drinking enough water can boost your energy levels.

4- Regular exercise impacts energy levels and overall health positively.

5- Social isolation can make you depressed and tired so connect with people and make friends.

6- Positive mindset and the power of gratefulness can energize your mind as well as your body.

7- Sometimes breathing exercise helps to restore energy in your body. As we inhale, tighten our muscles that connect our shoulders to our ears, hold our breath for a second and then exhale. We release the tension out and fresh oxygen absorbs in our blood cells, increasing energy.

8- The laughter technique is a proven stress buster. Laughter can boost energy levels too.

9- Vitamins and supplements help to boost energy levels that include Vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium and iron.

10- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.

Fatigue-Fighting Drinks

Dehydration can make you feel tired so drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day can save your body from dehydration. Sometimes drinking simple water can be boring. Adding some healthy nutrients to your water can enhance your taste and makes you healthy and energetic. For example:

  • Cucumber and lemon water
  • Tripple berry blaster
  • Lemon, turmeric and ginger water
  • Apple and ginger water
  • Cinnamon apple water
  • Coriander water

Few Home Remedies to Boost Energy

1- Soak black seeds and fenugreek seeds in a bowl overnight. Drink that water empty stomach in the morning.

2- Use coconut oil for cooking purposes. The MCTs in coconut oil provide a quick supply of energy.

3- Take a spoon full of Chia seeds + Raw honey + a drop of coconut oil — an energy booster.

4- Eat green leafy vegetables & fruits – high in magnesium and iron.

5-Essential oils are a great way to boost energy. Put 2 drops of peppermint oil on a tissue, hold it to your nose and breathe deeply. Peppermint oil contains menthol, menthone and limonene that boost energy levels in the body.

6- Taking a shower also makes you fresh and energetic. Try adding 2 drops of peppermint oil and 4 drops of rosemary oil in bath water for an extra boost of energy.

Hijama Cupping Therapy – A Natural Energy Booster

Hijama cupping therapy is an alternate therapy that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. The suction improves the flow of energy and facilitates the healing process.

Cupping therapy is the process of applying cups onto the skin by creating negative pressure. The negative pressure is created by vacuuming the air within the cup that draws local tissues into the cup. The negative pressure in the cup increases blood flow and loosens connective tissues as well as accelerates the healing process in the body. Previous studies have proven that cupping therapy could ease the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. It can be a long-standing form of fatigue. Hijama cupping therapy is an effective treatment for such health conditions.

Cupping therapy increases blood circulation to the area where cups are placed. It also relieves muscle tension which improves overall blood flow throughout the body and helps to repair damaged blood cells. It may also help form new connective tissues and also create new blood vessels in the tissues.

In conclusion, Hijama Cupping therapy relieves symptoms of tiredness, improves emotional behaviour and regulates sleep patterns which results in boosting energy.