Does Hijama Cupping Therapy Help With Tingling In Hands And Feet?


Tingling or numbness in the hands and feet is an extremely common health concern. It can be temporary or last a bit longer.

A burning or prickling feeling known as paresthesia typically affects the hands, arms, legs, or feet but can also happen in other areas of the body. The sudden onset of the sensation, typically painless, is described as buzzing, skin crawling, or tingling. Temporary paresthesia can also be described as “pins and needles”. People feel the sensations mostly when they sleep on their arms or sit too long in the position with their legs crossed.

Numbness in the hands and feet can be serious, chronic and relentless.

Symptoms of Numbness

  • Pins and needles-like sensations
  • Burning
  • Tingling
  • Itching
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • A feeling that ants are crawling in the skin
  • Swelling
  • Weakness

Causes of Numbness

A variety of factors can cause numbness in the hands or feet. A person’s posture frequently causes their legs to become numb temporarily. The tingling may also be caused by pressure, trauma, or nerve damage. But persistent or long-lasting numbness in the legs and feet is generally an indication of a severe medical issue.

Conditions linked to numbness and tingling in the legs and feet include:

1- Poor Posture

Poor posture may be to blame if your legs and hands feel tense and tingly. Poor postural habits can pressure the spinal nerves, leading to poor blood circulation in the lower limb, pain and tingling sensations. Our spine is made up of stacked bones called vertebrae, When the nerves exit between the vertebrae, it supplies power and sensation to the skin. Over time, nerve compression may cause numbness in the hands and legs.

2- Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamin deficiency is one of the significant causes of numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Vitamins play a crucial role in the development of the nervous system and their absence may cause nerve damage.

Vitamin B12 helps to produce a substance called Myelin which acts as a protective shield to the nerves and helps them transfer sensations to the whole body.

3- Psychological Factors

Depression, anxiety disorder or panic attacks often start with numbness in the hands and feet. During the period of anxiety attacks, blood vessels constrict, which increases blood pressure and heart rate. Increased blood pressure reduces blood flow, particularly in the areas of hands and feet, causing cold feelings and numbness.

4- Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel, a median nerve that passes through the wrist, when it is compressed or squeezed, it becomes inflamed. The squeezed nerve causes numbness and pain in the affected hand. This health condition is called carpal tunnel syndrome.

5- Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve can cause tingling, numbness, or pain in the hands or feet. An accident, injury, or inflammation may put too much pressure on the nerves and pinch them.

6- Pregnancy

During pregnancy, as the uterus grows, it presses the nerves in the leg which may cause numbness in the legs and toes. Pregnant ladies may also feel numbness in their fingers and hands. Numbness goes away as a woman gives birth.

7- Side effects of medications

One of the major side effects of medications is nerve damage, which may cause the sensation of numbness in the hands and feet. Some of the medications that may cause numbness include antibiotics, anticancerous drugs, drugs for heart patients and blood pressure drugs.

8- Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases happen when a body’s natural defence system gets confused and can’t tell the difference between your cells and foreign cells and mistakenly attacks your healthy cells. Autoimmune disorders occur in more than 80 different kinds and affect many other body parts.

Some common autoimmune diseases:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Graves’ disease
  • Chronic inflammation

The symptoms of autoimmune diseases may be severe or mild. One of the most common causes of autoimmune diseases is numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.

9- Systemic Diseases

Systemic diseases include conditions that may affect the kidneys, the liver, the blood vessels, and amyloidosis, as well as hormonal imbalances (including hypothyroidism), tumours, and pituitary cysts that strain on the nerves. The strain on nerves may cause tingling and numbness in the hands and feet.

10- Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

PAD is another cause of numbness in the hands and feet. Peripheral arteries are responsible for carrying blood away from the heart to other parts of the body. The most common type of PAD is lower-extremity PAD, in which numbness happens to the legs and feet because of the reduction of blood flow. Another type is upper-extremity PAD, in which numbness happens to the hands and fingers because of poor blood circulation.

11- A Trauma or an accident

A trauma, an accident or an injury often compresses or crushes the nerves which results in nerve damage or nerve pain. Damaged nerves often cause numbness in the hands and feet.

12- Peripheral Neuropathy

Exposure to toxins and chemicals may cause peripheral neuropathy. It can occur through drugs or chemical exposure in the workplace or the environment. The toxins include heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Exposure to toxins can cause a variety of symptoms including numbness in the hands and feet.

Treatment for the Numbness of Hands and Feet

Most of the causes for the numbness of hands and feet are already discussed above. The treatment depends on the causes, for example, if the numbness is because of the side effect of any medication, then consult your doctor and change your medicine. For psychological factors regularly conduct several therapies. When a pregnant lady feels numbness in her hands and feet, she should wait to deliver the baby because normally after the baby, they don’t feel numb anymore.

Although there is no permanent treatment for autoimmune diseases, many other diseases can be improved with treatment, for example, blood sugar control in diabetes can help with numbness and tingling. Vitamin supplements can benefit vitamin deficiencies. Thyroid disorder can be controlled with regular medication and several therapies.

  • Medication

Medication is one of the significant causes of numbness in the hands and feet. Consult your doctor and try to adjust the medication, if possible, try to switch to alternative medicine. Sometimes doctors recommend anti-depressants, over-the-counter pain relievers or chronic inflammation drugs that may help to reduce numbness.

  • Exposure to Toxins

It is very essential to avoid exposure to toxins as much as we can. Toxic neuropathy is nerve pain that occurs by handling certain chemicals. These chemicals might include cleaning products, beauty products or pest-killer sprays.

  • Physical Exercise

Exercise improves blood flow, causes the heart to pump more quickly, and helps the blood move more quickly through arteries and veins, all of which contribute to improving blood circulation. Those who do exercises regularly, experience improved blood circulation throughout the body which reduces numbness and tingling sensations in the hands and feet. These exercises include walking, jogging, swimming, running, cycling, and aerobic or cardiac exercises. Several chiropractic exercises like brachial plexus, median nerve slide, ulnar nerve slide and radial nerve slide are also very famous exercises to decrease numbness in the hands and feet. It is advised to perform chiropractic exercises with a chiropractor to avoid further muscular problems.

  • Healthy Diet

Diet plays a very important role in treating conditions like numbness in the hands and feet. Eating a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, oily fish, seeds, nuts and whole grains may improve blood circulation. Poor blood flow can cause pain, muscle cramps, digestive issues and cold hands or feet. Circulatory issues can be treated by eating certain foods. So, here are some best foods to optimize blood flow that reduce numbness and tingling:

1-Garlic: It is rich in Sulphur which helps blood vessels relax. It improves blood flow through the heart which reduces the workload on the heart. Blood pressure reduces when the heart doesn’t have to work hard to pump the blood.

2-Onions: Flavonoid antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in onions may be linked to reducing the inflammation in the arteries and veins. Onion boosts blood flow and benefits heart health.

3-Ginger: It aids digestion and relieves nauseating feelings. It widens blood vessels and reduces blood pressure which benefits blood circulation.

4-Cinnamon: It improves blood circulation and increases heart health.

5-Cayenne pepper: Cayenne red pepper has a compound called capsaicin which promotes blood flow to the tissues by lowering blood pressure. It strengthens the blood vessels and reduces plaque built up in the arteries.

6-Turmeric: The golden yellow colour of turmeric is derived from a compound called curcumin which may widen blood vessels. With wider blood vessels blood reaches the heart, lungs, organs, tissues and muscles.

7-Citrus Fruits: Antioxidants in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits reduce inflammation, boost blood circulation and prevent blood clots.

8-Walnuts: Walnuts are loaded with beneficial compounds which may reduce blood pressure, improve blood function and reduce inflammation. People with diabetes often have circulation issues and high blood pressure due to poor blood circulation, walnuts may help with diabetes.

9-Omega-3 fats: Omega-3 Fatty acids increase blood flow and help to keep arteries unclogged.

10-Beets: Beet juice widens arteries, lowers blood pressure, also improves athletic endurance. Many athletes use beet juice or beet powder to improve performance.

  • Quit Smoking

Smokers who also have other medical illnesses, such as diabetes, may experience severe nerve issues like tingling, numbness, and pain. Smokers are also more prone to experience ongoing nerve pain symptoms even after surgery. Nicotine, a chemical in cigarettes, causes blood vessels to shrink. Constrict blood vessels mean that there is less blood to carry oxygen around the body. Reduced blood flow affects the bones, nerves, tendons and muscles.

  • Hydrate yourself

Dehydration is one of the significant reasons for numbness and nerve pain. Aim to drink 7–8 oz of water per day. If a body is hydrated throughout the day, it helps to reduce inflammation and prevents pain receptors from triggering.

  • Warm Baths with Epsom Salt

Epsom salt has been used for thousands of years to relieve pain and reduce swelling and numbness in the body. The magnesium in Epsom salt absorbs through the skin which not only reduces inflammation but it also helps to treat infections. To enhance blood circulation and minimize the tingling sensation, add a cup of Epsom salt to a bathtub full of water. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes in the tub. Do this twice a week.

  • Rest

Our bodies need sleep, and getting enough sleep is crucial if you suffer from any kind of chronic pain. Try to maintain a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. This will help your body develop a routine for rest, making it simple for you to fall asleep and wake up feeling fresh and energetic.

  • Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can be very beneficial for numbness, tingling or pain in the hands and feet. It is one of the most outstanding ways to enhance the blood flow around the body. When deep and even pressure is administered to the pinched nerve or the area where numbness or pain is present, massage benefits might be experienced. This is because massage is known to improve blood circulation and lower tension or anxiety brought on by tingling or pain symptoms. As a result of massage therapy, compressed nerves aid in reducing negative sensations such as tingling or numbness and improve sensations. Hijama Cupping Therapy Nowadays cupping therapy is becoming very popular around the world. Hijama cupping therapy is a traditional alternative medical treatment practiced in different cultures. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese culture, Arabic medicine, Greek medicine, and Prophetic medicine all practiced other types of cupping. Even though the crux of performing cupping is to alleviate the pain by increasing blood circulation and eliminating the toxins from the body. Cupping also helps to reduce pain and inflammation and increases blood flow which provides relaxation and well-being to the body. When the suction is applied to the skin through cups, it reduces inflammation, pain and numbness around the body. The vacuum-like suction from the cups causes micro-trauma to the targetted areas. The suction causes the body to release an array of chemicals, fibroblasts and white blood cells to the targetted area triggering the healing process.

The negative pressure of cups draws stagnated blood out from deep tissues and organs using the body’s transport mechanism. The incisions allow the release of stagnated blood. Only stagnated blood is released. The replacement of inflamed, acidic blood and lymph grants enough space for nutrient-rich blood to penetrate the tissues. Dead blood cells and inflammatory modulators are flushed out of the body. Removal of these stagnated dead cells also removes chemical stimulation of pain receptors that provides instant relief, new blood cells, fresh oxygen and healthy nutrients that allow the body to repair, rejuvenate, and speed up the healing process. Numbness is defined as a loss of feeling or sensation in a portion of a body, especially around the hands and feet. It is often caused by nerve compression. When we apply suction to the affected area, it separates the skin layer from the muscular layer, reducing restrictions in the fascia that often compress the nerves. Numbness in the hands and feet can be a reason for poor blood circulation. Hijama increases blood circulation and also promotes the circulation of the lymphatic system. Hijama cupping therapy relieves pain, reduces muscular discomfort within muscles and connective tissues, and decreases swelling and muscle knots.

As dry cupping is applied, it stretches the lymphatic vessels and relieves the localized congestion also supplies oxygen and nutrients to the cells which help to reduce the numbness and tingling. Wet cupping helps to unclog and remove cellular waste, dead blood cells, uric acid, metabolic waste and toxic waste from the inflamed area.

Hijama cupping therapy has been used to treat a wide variety of health conditions. Hijama promotes blood circulation, provides nourishment to the internal organs, and rejuvenates the skin by reversing the ageing process. Home Remedies For Numbness in the Hands and Feet

  • Remedy No # 1

Drink cinnamon tea. Boil a glass of water and add a pinch of cinnamon powder and a few drops of honey.

  • Remedy No # 2

Drink golden milk. Boil a glass of milk and add one-third teaspoon of turmeric powder with a few drops of honey to enhance the taste.

  • Remedy No # 3

Massage your hands and feet with neem oil. A mixture of olive oil + coconut oil + mustard oil is also beneficial for massage.

  • Remedy No # 4

Consume ginger tea. Ginger tea lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and improves blood circulation which helps with numbness and tingling in the hands and feet.

Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet are common nowadays. It can be controlled with a few lifestyle changes, home remedies, healthy nutrition choices and Hijama cupping therapy.