Hijama Cupping Therapy is an alternative medicine that involves suction from a part of the body. Cups are applied to the skin to facilitate suction. The suction is like a deep tissue massage intended to mobilize the flow of blood and speed up the natural healing process.

Yes, Alhamdulillah Hijama cupping therapy is Sunnah-E-Rasool. On several occasions in His life, Rasool Allah performed Hijama on different parts of His body. During the night journey and ascension (Laylatu’l Isra), our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) experienced many crucial events. Amongst all the other miracles, Allah (SWT) the Exalted, ordered the angels to instruct the Prophet (PBUM) to establish Hijama cupping therapy.


Angels told Rasool Allah (PBUM): “Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with Hijama ”. Saheeh Sunnan Tirmidhi(3479)


Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A) reported Rasool Allah (PBUM) saying, “I did not pass by any angel during my night journey that did not tell me:Make it necessary upon you to have Hijama ”. Saheeh Sunnan Ibn Maajag(3477)

here are total of 9 sunnah points of the body where Rasool Allah (PBUH) performed Hijama Cupping therapy. These points are called the sunnah points and each sunnah point has extensive benefits. The Sunnah points used for Hijama are mentioned below.

  1. Al- Kahil (Located between the shoulder blades)

  2. Yafookh (Crown point on the head)

  3. Qamahduwah (Located at the back of the head)

  4. Al-Akhda’ain (2 points located at the back of the neck near the hairline)

  5. Al- waraq (2 points located on the right & left side of the waist)

  6. Foot sunnah points (Located on the top of the foot)

  • Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A) reported Rasool Allah (PBUM) saying, “I did not pass by any angel during my night journey that did not tell me:Make it necessary upon you to have Hijama ”. Saheeh Sunna Ibn Maajag(3477).

  • Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A) also reported that Messenger (PBUH) was cupped on his head for a severe headache while He was in Ihraam. Sahih al-Bukhari(5701).

  • Anas bin Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that The Messenger(PBUH) was treated with cupping 3 times on the two veins on the side of the neck and the base of the neck. Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawud (3860), Sunnah ibn Majjal(3483).

  • Narrated by Ibn Majah, the angel Jibreel advised the Prophet (PBUH) to perform Hijama on Akhda’ain and al-kahil.


In Ghazwah Khayber, when our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) was poisoned by a Jewish woman, He took Hijama at 3 points at Al-kahil.

  • Abdullah bin bauhinia (r.a) reported that our Prophet (PBUH) took Hijama on Haamah and between the shoulders( Al-Kahil)

Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said,

“Whosoever performs Hijama cupping on the 17th, 19th, 21st (of the islamic lunar calendar) then it is a cure of every disease”. (Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawud 3861)


Anas Ibn Maalik reports Rasool Allah (PBUH) saying,

“Whoever wants to perform Hijama then let him search for the 17th, 19th, & 21st (Of the islamic calendar) and let none of you allow his blood to rage such that it kills him”. (Saheeh Sunnan Ibn Majjah 3486).

Yes, of course, results of Hijama are outstanding on Sunnah days but it is not prohibited to perform Hijama on any day.


The benefits of Hijama cupping therapy cannot be described in a few words. It is a natural treatment that has a long history.

  • Hijama improves blood circulation

  • Takes the stagnated and toxic blood out

  • Relieves digestive problems

  • Improves mental health

  • Promotes healthy skin

  • Natural pain reliever

  • Controls high blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels in blood

  • Stimulates the nervous system

  • Enormous benefits for hormonal imbalances, infertility, menopause, menstrual cramps, irregular menstruation

  • Relieves migraine, headaches, anxiety, depression, muscular aches, skin allergies etc

It is very important to prepare yourself before the session of Hijama Cupping therapy. If the necessary preparations are made properly and according to the instructions then an individual can get 100% results from Hijama.

To achieve maximum benefits from cupping, it is necessary to follow a few guidelines:

  • Perform Hijama with empty stomach, 3 to 4 hours fasting is enough

  • Take shower before Hijama

  • Drink 2 to 3 glasses of water before Hijama

  • Avoid unnecessary physical activities

  • Positive mindset

  • Give Sadqa before Hijama

  • Recite two Rakat of Salat ul Hajaat

  • Share your medical history with practitioner

  • Dress up according to the weather

  • Don’t exfoliate your skin before Hijama

Proper aftercare is very important to get maximum benefits from cupping. Some of the instructions are as under:

  • Drink honey water

  • Eat dates, an instant energy booster

  • Avoid physical exercise after Hijama

  • Avoid taking bath for 24 hours

  • Hydrate yourself

  • Avoid animal food like chicken or mutton for 24 hours

  • Avoid dairy products for 24 hours

  • Consume balanced diet (no junk food)

  • Cover your body to keep yourself warm

There are several conditions in which Hijama cupping therapy should be avoided.

  • Hijama should be avoided in high fever

  • Pregnant ladies should avoid Hijama during pregnancy

  • People who have a few skin conditions in which they bleed easily

  • People who are on blood thinning medicines should avoid their medicine for 2 days then they can perform Hijama

  • People who have had a recent major surgery should avoid Hijama

  • Hijama should not be performed on inflamed or rashy skin

  • Hijama should be avoided with high blood pressure, low blood pressure and low sugar levels

  • Extreme anemic patients should also avoid Hijama

The marks are supposed to disappear between 2 to 12 days. It totally depends upon the skin conditions. If a person has a healthy skin and faster healing process then marks fade away in a couple of days.

Hijama can be performed between the age of 13 till 70.

Anas (RAA) narrated, ‘The first-time cupping was disliked for the one who is fasting was when Ja’far bin Abi Talib had himself cupped while fasting and the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came across him and said, “Those two have broken their fast (meaning Ja’far and the man who was cupping him.)” But later on, the Prophet allowed cupping for the one who is fasting.

Anas (RAA) used to have himself cupped while he was fasting.

It is narrated that the Prophet Muhammadﷺ had Hijama while he was fasting. Jami` at-Tirmidhi 776

Angels told Rasool Allah (PBUM): “Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with Hijama ”. Saheeh Sunnan Tirmidhi(3479)


Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A) reported Rasool Allah (PBUM) saying, “I did not pass by any angel during my night journey that did not tell me:Make it necessary upon you to have Hijama ”. Saheeh Sunnan Ibn Maajag(3477).

After Hijama cupping therapy, an individual may have a few symptoms but these symptoms vary from person to person. Some of them are as under:

  • Some people may feel nauseous after Hijama

  • Some people get dizzy for a few minutes

  • Some people sweat

  • Ecchymosis (discoloration of skin) happens on the skin

  • Some people may feel tired or lethargic for few hours after Hijama

  • Some people may feel sleepy after Hijama

Dry cupping therapy: A plastic cup is placed on the skin, then the air inside the cup is vacuumed out. For dry cupping therapy the cup stays at one place from five to ten minutes.


Moving cupping therapy: For moving cupping therapy, a moisture is applied to the skin, after the suction of dry cupping. The cups are slightly gilded towards the lymph nodes to expel toxins.


Hijama/wet cupping therapy: The cups are applied to the skin to create suction. After that the incisions are applied to drag the toxins out. Then the cups are applied two to three times at the same spot to drag as much toxins out as they could.

Everyone has their own experience with Hijama. But one thing is evident that it is not painful. As we apply cups on the skin that part of the skin becomes numb and an individual does not feel incisions that much.

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