Fatty Liver, Home Remedies & Hijama/Wet Cupping Therapy.

A small amount of fat in the liver is average, but too much fat can lead to severe liver damage.

One of the largest internal organs, located on the upper side of the abdomen, is called the liver. Having extra fat in the liver is called fatty liver disease. In medical terms, it is known as hepatic steatosis. A frequent liver disorder in the Western world is fatty liver, which is the accumulation of extra fat in the liver cells. One in ten people is affected, on average. The presence of some fat in the liver is standard, but if that fat makes up more than 10% of the liver’s weight, you have a fatty liver and are at risk of having more severe consequences.

Functions of a Liver

The liver is a significant organ of our body with multiple life-supporting functions. The liver is responsible for more than 500 functions in the body. Some of them are as under. The Liver:

  • Converts food into energy
  • Removes toxins
  • Production of bile that carries away waste and breaks down fats
  • Cleans the blood of poisonous substances
  • Regulates blood clotting
  • Resist infections by preparing a firm immune system
  • Produces cholesterol and proteins that aid in carrying fats through the body
  • Stores iron

Types of Fatty Liver Disease

There are two major types of fatty liver disease.

1- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (ALD)

This disease happens because of heavy alcohol use. The liver breaks down most of the substances of alcohol to remove them from the body. Too much consumption of alcohol generates harmful substances. These substances may damage the liver, weakens the defensive immune system, and increases inflammation. The more alcohol a person consumes, the more the liver is damaged. If a person keeps drinking, ALD may cause serious health concerns that include:

  • Alcoholic Hepatitis: Alcoholic hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver. Inflammation may cause swelling in the liver. Swelling also causes fever, vomiting, jaundice, nausea and pain.
  • Alcoholic Cirrhosis: Alcoholic cirrhosis happens after years of drinking too much alcohol. It causes the liver to become stiff and swollen and does not let the liver work its function correctly.
  • Enlarged Liver: It is also called hepatomegaly which means the liver is swollen beyond its usual size. A swollen liver may cause discomfort, weakness and fatigue.

2- Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

NAFLD is one of the most common forms of chronic liver disease that affects about one-quarter of the population. Researchers haven’t found the exact reason for NAFLD, a few factors may include obesity, metabolic syndrome, High blood pressure and diabetes.

There are two types of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

  • Simple Fatty Liver: Simple fatty liver means that you have fats in your liver, but it’s not the inflammation that may cause more damage to the liver cells. Simple fatty liver type is common in NAFLD patients. The good news is that simple fatty liver doesn’t create further health problems for patients.
  • Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH): NASH is another type of NAFLD. This type is much more thoughtful than the simple fatty liver. NASH means that the liver has excess fat accompanied by inflammation. The inflammation may cause liver cancer, fibrosis, cirrhosis or scarring in the liver.

Signs & Symptoms Of Fatty Liver

There are no specific signs and symptoms of fatty liver disease, which is why it is also called a silent killer. Some common signs and symptoms are as under:

  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Abdominal pain and swollen belly
  • Obesity or weight gain
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Nausea
  • Eyes and skin turned yellow as in jaundice
  • Enlarged blood vessels underneath the skin
  • Muscle weakness
  • Discoloration of the skin, especially around the neck and under the arms
  • Mental distractions
  • Fluid retention

Reasons for Fatty Liver

Some of the causes or risk factors for developing fatty liver disease are as under:

  • Obesity
  • Family history
  • Alcohol consumption
  • If a person is insulin resistant or has type 2 diabetes
  • If a person has metabolic syndrome like high blood pressure or high cholesterol
  • Smokers are more prone to have fatty liver
  • If a person has a chronic infection like hepatitis C
  • The older you are, the more likely you may have fatty liver
  • Pregnant ladies can develop fatty liver disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Taking certain medications

Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy (AFLP)

Acute fatty liver during pregnancy is an uncommon and rare fatal complication which may occur in the third trimester of pregnancy. Different report cases have shown that it can occur as early as 26 weeks of pregnancy and as late as the immediate postpartum period. Women often feel symptoms like anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headaches and abdominal pains. Some women may experience acute renal failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, pancreatitis and coagulopathy. For better management of AFLP, early diagnosis, promo delivery, support, and intensive care is essential.

Treatments for Fatty Liver Disease

The treatment of any disease depends upon the causes of the disease. If a reason for a fatty liver is weight gain, doctors recommend weight loss to reduce fats in the liver. If fatty liver is the cause of certain medications, then the doctor can change the medicine. It is necessary to check with the doctor before stopping the medication.

A healthy liver removes toxins and produces proteins that break down the fats into fatty acids so that they can be digested. Some lifestyle changes are recommended to reduce the symptoms of fatty liver disease:

1- Stop Consuming Alcohol

Stopping drinking alcohol is known as abstinence. Stopping drinking alcohol may reverse the damage of fatty liver disease, depending on the stage of the condition. Quitting drinking alcohol is not easy, as 70 % of people with alcohol problems have an alcohol dependency problem.

2- Weight Loss

For overweight people, weight loss is one of the best treatments for fatty liver. Excess fat accumulating in the liver mainly occurs in people with obesity, high blood pressure, high sugar levels and abnormal cholesterol. For some people, excess fat doesn’t cause any damage. Sometimes it triggers chronic liver inflammation. Significant weight loss may improve these disorders in the body. Weight loss treatment includes diet and exercise which results in a sustained body weight reduction of 7–10 %. The treatment goals include improvement in the liver fat content, reduction of body weight, liver inflammation and fibrosis.

3- Healthy, Liver Friendly Diet

The liver is the second largest organ in our body, it has many different tasks. We can not imagine a healthy life without a healthy liver. Healthy, liver-friendly and nutritious food choices may make your liver health better.

  • Fibre-rich diet: Fibre-rich food may help to protect the liver from inflammation. The fibre helps to flush away the waste from the organs. Foods that are high in fibre and low in trans fats and saturated fats may also help to fight against fatty liver. There are two types of fibre, soluble and insoluble. They both help to digest food and maintain a healthy life. High-fibre foods include whole-grain bread, cereals, fruits like strawberries, pears, and bananas, and vegetables like broccoli, peas, carrots, corn, beans, oats, legumes, lentils, chickpeas, seeds and nuts.
  • Green Leafy Vegetables: A 2021 study found that green leafy vegetables may help fight fatty liver disease. Leafy greens have antioxidants that help keep the liver working in the right direction. Other studies suggest green, crunchy food like broccoli may protect an individual from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
  • Avoid High-Calorie Food: High sugar intake has been linked to many health problems, including diabetes, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and fatty liver. The liver converts sugar into fat. If an individual is overdue for sugar, the liver makes too much fat which ends up lying around where it doesn’t belong. For a healthy liver, aim to limit the consumption of sugar and make it an occasional treat.
  • Spices and Herbs: Herbs and spices like oregano, rosemary, ginger, turmeric and cardamom are good sources of healthy polyphenols. Several herbs and spices may have liver-protective properties. They promote liver cell regeneration, reduce inflammation and are beneficial for several liver diseases.
  • Coffee: Coffee is one of the most popular morning rituals for many people worldwide. A few types of research have shown that people who regularly drink coffee have a lower risk of developing fatty liver disease. Coffee is beneficial for people with hepatitis C, viruses that damage the liver or leads to liver cancer.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are a good source of vitamin E, which may help to protect against fatty liver disease. A diet rich in nuts is linked with the reduction of inflammation and insulin resistance and lowers the prevalence of NAFLD.
  • Avoid white poison: Salt and sugar are called white poisons. Studies have shown a close connection between sugar consumption and fatty liver disease. Sugar may cause fat buildup in the liver even if an individual has a healthy weight. Consuming too much salt in your diet may also increase the risk of liver disease.
  • Limit Certain Foods: Refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, refined grain products or sodium, saturated fats like red meat, full-fat dairy, fried food or trans fats like processed foods should be avoided. Try to limit the consumption of food that is high in calories.

4- Herbal Supplements

Regular exposure to toxins causes inflammation, and the liver deals with the truckload of toxins like unhealthy and processed food, air pollution, noise pollution and medications. Even overexposure to sunlight may produce free radicals that may cause liver damage. Herbal supplements may help to improve and protect liver health.

  • Turmeric Root: Turmeric is a well-known powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory herb famous for treating inflammation-based diseases like fatty liver. Turmeric detoxifies liver cells from damage. Its antioxidant properties help to defend the liver from free radicals.
  • Astragalus Root: It is a Chinese tonic herb that is being used for millions of years to protect and support healthy liver and immune systems.
  • Dandelion Root: Dandelion root is bitter and can be used as a morning coffee. It detoxifies and cleanses the liver and prevents congestion, which burdens liver health.
  • Beet Root: Beetroot is a vegetable famous for its bright purple colour. All around the world, beetroot is used as a nutritive tonic and detoxifier as a supplement for the liver. Beetroot is an excellent source of fibre and folic acid. One of the fibres in beetroot is pectin, which cleanses the liver and removes toxins.
  • Ginger: Ginger is essential for liver health because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger helps to improve the delivery of nutrients to liver cells and enhances the liver’s working capability. This magical herb supports the lymph system, improves the immune system, enhances digestion, increases blood circulation, and aids remove toxins, such as when we sweat.
  • Cardamom(Elaichi): Cardamom usually grows in Asian countries. It is often used in food preparation and medication to treat different ailments. It is a member of the ginger family. The seeds make a perfect aromatic and flavorful blend. Cardamom is often referred to as a queen of spices because of its enormous health benefits. Cardamom extract may decrease elevated liver enzymes, reduce liver fat, and lower liver stress. It may also prevent liver enlargement and liver weight and improve overall liver health.

5- Exercise

From clinical and basic scientific studies, it is evident that exercise affects fatty liver disease through various pathways. In the liver, exercise increases fatty acid oxidation, decreases fatty acid fusion and prevents damage. Physical inactivity and obesity are directly related to the severity of the fatty liver disease.

The health conditions for fatty liver disease involve a buildup of fat in the liver, which affects digestion, blood clotting, and energy levels. The research was conducted at the Royal College of Surgeon’s School of Physiotherapy in Ireland. Researchers recruited 24 people with metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) for a 12-week exercise intervention. Eight were in a control group, the rest were in exercise sessions on alternate days. At the end of the three months, those in the exercise group reduced scarring in the liver and degeneration of liver cells as compared to the control group. In conclusion, physical exercise is a proven therapeutic strategy to improve fatty liver disease.

6- Water

Everyone is aware of the fact that 75% of our bodies are made up of water. When the body gets dehydrated, liver function decreases because it doesn’t have sufficient water to help flush away the waste from the body. Most of the blood is made up of water, making it easy for the blood to pass through the liver and be filtered. The less hydrated the body is, the less efficient the liver is at filtering the toxins away from the body.

7- Dry Brushing For Fatty Liver

One of the famous types of Ayurvedic medicines is dry brushing which has been around us for centuries. It has several health benefits. Dry brushing cleanses and beautifies the skin. Dry brushing exfoliates the skin and it feels softer and smoother. The bristles of the brush help to sweep away the dull, dry and rough skin cells. It helps to stimulate the lymphatic system. Stimulate liver function by dry brushing foot soles. Try doing that for around 40 to 50 minutes, two to three times a week. It is an impressive method to get rid of toxins. Dry brushing increases blood circulation and also enhances energy levels.

8-Hijama Cupping Therapy

Hijama cupping therapy is an alternate therapy that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. The suction improves the flow of energy and facilitates the healing process.

Cupping therapy is a mechanism of applying cups onto the skin by creating negative pressure. The negative pressure is created by vacuuming the air within the cup that draws local tissues into the cup. The negative pressure in the cup increases blood flow and loosens connective tissues as well as accelerates the healing process in the body. Cupping therapy sweeps the toxins away from the organs and drives them out of the skin with the help of incisions, made on the surface of the skin.

Hijama cupping therapy may be considered an adequate way to treat different varieties of liver diseases. The liver is our largest internal organ and is responsible for crucial functions like filtering harmful chemicals from food, removing toxins from the bloodstream and storing energy.

When the cup is applied to the skin, Hijama helps to remove the impurities from the blood and suction increases blood flow in the tissues and organs, specifically in the liver tissues, and the liver cells get activated. This activation helps the liver to perform all its functions properly and efficiently. The liver also regulates the detoxification of the whole body. Many significant metabolic nutrients are stored in the liver, such as Vitamin A, D and K, iron and glycogen. The liver releases these nutrients in the bloodstream when needed. The liver is responsible for the production of these necessary nutrients. The liver can be damaged when the hepatic cells become inflamed. The accumulation of cholesterol may cause extensive liver damage. Hijama cupping therapy helps the liver to maintain its functions and to improve all hepatic problems, including hepatitis B & C.

Hijama may reduce oxidative stress by reducing iron levels, which might enhance insulin sensitivity and perhaps result in a reduction in the formation of liver glucose, one of the causes of developing steatosis in NAFLD. Excessive sugar is stored in the blood with the help of the pancreas to reduce the glucose level.

Hijama increases blood circulation and reduces pressure on the liver by removing toxins from the bloodstream. Hijama cupping therapy also promotes the circulation of the lymphatic system.

As dry cupping is applied, it stretches the lymphatic vessels and relieves the localized congestion also supplies oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

Wet cupping helps to unclog and remove cellular waste, dead blood cells, uric acid, metabolic waste and toxic waste from the inflamed area.

Hijama affects the composition of blood by thinning it and regulating the red and white blood cells and also changes the acidic blood to neutral blood by balancing the PH levels.

Hijama cupping therapy has been used to treat a wide variety of health conditions, including liver diseases. Hijama promotes blood circulation, provides nourishment to the internal organs such as the liver and rejuvenates the skin by reversing the ageing process.

9- Home Remedies For Fatty Liver

– Aloe Vera Juice: Aleo vera plant is a natural and powerful purifier, not only for the liver but for the whole body. Aloe vera juice eliminates the toxins through urine and sweat. It purifies the blood and promotes liver function. Consuming fresh aloe vera juice helps to take care of the fatty liver.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): ACV has been rumoured to have detoxifying properties for centuries that it can flush toxins from the body, balances blood sugar levels, drop high cholesterol in a healthy range and facilitates weight loss. Researchers have confirmed that apple cider vinegar has a beneficial impact on liver health. Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a warm glass of water once a day and drink it.
  • Lemon Water: Strong antioxidants and a zesty lemon’s powerhouse vitamin C prevents free radicals from harming liver cells and enhance liver function. In addition, lemon’s natural hepatoprotective properties have a positive influence on the alcoholic-induced fatty liver by lowering the levels of the lipid profile. Drink lemon water 3 to 4 times a week for a healthy liver.
  • Turmeric Tea: Several studies suggest that turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which plays a significant role to treat fatty liver diseases. Turmeric may help to reduce inflammation and levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. Boil water, add organic turmeric powder, a few lemon drops and honey and enjoy your turmeric tea.
  • Green Tea: Green tea is known to have many nutritional benefits that help to prevent many liver diseases. This refreshing drink is loaded with many antioxidant properties which optimize liver functioning and avert fat build-up. Green tea triggers metabolism and burns fat rapidly. Drinking a cup of green tea regularly may help to restore liver health.
  • Ginger Tea: Ginger is packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant compounds that may help to support liver health. Consuming ginger tea regularly may help to reduce liver damage and lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

In a nutshell, the best ways to manage fatty liver are diet and lifestyle changes. A nutrient-dense diet, exercising regularly, reducing your intake of sugar, losing weight, and alternate therapies like hijama cupping therapy are some strategies that may help reduce the symptoms of fatty liver.

Fatty Liver Disease Fatty Liver Treatment Fatty Liver Remedy Fatty Liver And Cupping