Is Hijama/Wet Cupping Therapy Allowed With Fasting?

There are two different schools of thought whether Hijama is allowed with fasting or it breaks the fast.

Hijama cupping therapy is the sunnah of our beloved Holy Prophet (P.B.U.M). The treatment of Hijama cupping therapy is a prophetic remedy for various common diseases. It was a standard method the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions used to deal with several ailments.

During the night journey and ascension (Laylatu’l Isra), our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) experienced many crucial events. Amongst all the other miracles, Allah (SWT) the Exalted, ordered the angels to instruct the Prophet (P.B.U.M) to establish Hijama cupping therapy.

Angels told Rasool Allah (PBUM): “Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with Hijama”. Saheeh Sunnan Tirmidhi(3479)Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A) reported Rasool Allah (PBUM) saying, “I did not pass by any angel during my night journey that did not tell me:Make it necessary upon you to have Hijama”. Saheeh Sunna Ibn Maajag(3477).

Does Hijama Break The Fast

Narrated by Thawban, he said: “I heard the Prophet (P.B.U.H) say: ‘The cupper and the one for whom cupping is done both break their fast’ “. (Sunnah Ibn Majah 1680)Reported in Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan Ibn Majah and also In Sunan an-Nasai: “ There are those people of Knowledge among the companions of the Prophet and others, who disliked cupping for the fasting person, such that some of the Companions of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) would be cupped during the night, among them are Abu Musa, Al-Ash’ari and Ibn ‘Umar”. (Tirmidhi 774).

This hadith clearly states that cupping breaks the fast! This school of thought was chosen by Ibn Taymiyah, his student Ibn Qayyum, and several other scholars.

Hijama Doesn’t Break The Fast

Abdullah Bin Abbas (R.A) stated: “ The Prophet (P.B.U.H) has himself cupped whilst in the state of ihram and while he was fasting”. (Bukhari 5:665, Ibn Majah 7:1752, Abi Dawud 2373, Tirmidhi 777).Anas Bin Malik was asked whether he disliked Hijama for a person who is in a state of fasting, He replied in a negative and said, “Only if it causes weakness.”( Bukhari 1940).It is narrated by Anas Bin Malik he said, “The first time cupping was disapproved for a fasting person who was Jafar Bin Abi Talib (R.A), he cupped himself while he was fasting. Prophet (P.B.U.H) came to him and said “ Both of them have broken their fast, afterwords He allowed cupping on a fasting person”. ( Reported by Ad-Daruqutni 2:182).

Undoubtedly, the best results from Hijama cupping therapy can be obtained on an empty stomach.

Ibn Umar reports Our Prophet(P.B.U.H) saying,

Hijama(cupping) is the best on an empty stomach. In it Is the cure and a blessing, It improves the intellect and the memory”.

[Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah (3488)].

Fasting puts our bodies in a metabolic state that encourages cellular repair and increases waste removal. Evidence from science supports the concept that fasting puts our bodies in a state where they conserve energy, repair themselves, and emphasize their mental and physical requirements.

The body learns to divert blood from the digestive tract to other cellular structures, especially the brain when no food in the stomach. Fasting, before Hijama helps the body eliminate toxins more efficiently and enhances the flow of fresh, nutrient-rich blood to the brain.

The majority of scholars agree that Hijama doesn’t break the fast, only if the fasting person is weak and can’t handle the weakness of fasting and Hijama together then the therapy should not be performed in a state of fasting.