PCOD, Home Remedies & Hijama Cupping Therapy

Approximately one-third of women worldwide may suffer from PCOD, but it is not entirely considered a disease.

Every woman has two ovaries, which release an egg simultaneously each month. The ovaries produce tiny quantities of androgens or male hormones. PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a medical situation in which the ovaries generate plenty of immature or partially-mature eggs, which grow into cysts. In this disorder, the ovaries typically swell and release significant levels of androgens, which may compromise a woman’s overall health.

Causes Of PCOD

In PCOD, many tiny cysts inside the ovaries fill up with fluid. Each of these has an immature egg that does not cause ovulation. The absence of ovulation causes a hormonal imbalance characterized by a large production of male hormones. The actual causes of PCOD disorder have not been identified through various research.

Certain conditions may play an important role:

  • Over-production of androgen (male) hormones
  • Insulin resistance: Insulin hormone controls the blood sugar levels in the human body. When human cells become resistant to the action of insulin, their blood sugar level increases. As a result, the body produces an excess of insulin to control this increased blood sugar level. Excessive insulin production, in return, increases the production of androgens, which are male hormones.
  • Inflammation
  • Family history
  • Low-grade inflammation
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Being over-weight is another cause of PCOD

Signs & Symptoms of PCOD

Some women notice symptoms around the time of their first period, while others do not consider them until they have gained a lot of weight or are having difficulty getting pregnant. The most common symptoms are:

  • Irregular periods (Oligomenorrhea)
  • Absence of periods (Amenorrhea)
  • Heavy menstrual periods (Menorrhagia)
  • Extra hair growth (Male pattern hair growth)
  • Obesity
  • Hair loss (Hirsutism)
  • Acne breakouts
  • Migraine attacks
  • Skin darkening
  • Psychological disorders like depression
  • Sleep apnea

Each month, the two ovaries alternately release mature, ready-to-fertilize eggs in a typical menstrual cycle. However, in the case of PCOD, the ovaries frequently release immature or only partially-mature eggs, which can grow into cysts. It leads the ovaries to swell and become enlarged. Ordinary, the ovaries release a limited amount of androgens (male hormones) during the cycle; however, in this case, the ovaries start generating androgens in excess, resulting in symptoms such as male pattern hair loss, abdominal weight gain, irregular periods, and, in some extreme cases, infertility.

Impact Of PCOD on Pregnancy

PCOD is not a medical emergency and shouldn’t lead to infertility in all women. In 75% of cases, women with PCOD can easily conceive with proper guidelines and a few lifestyle modifications. For women with PCOS, conception can be challenging due to the abundance of hormonal imbalances.

PCOD has been connected to obesity and being overweight, losing weight with this condition is not an easy task.

Other Possible Complications With PCOD

  • Eating disorders
  • Psychological disorders
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Infertility
  • Miscarriage or premature childbirth
  • Sleep apnea
  • Endometrial

PCOD and Diet

Although no single meal can cause PCOD, good nutrition can help you avoid the symptoms.

There is no permanent cure for PCOD, but symptoms may be managed with nutritious dietary habits and tips.

Let’s explore nutritional do’s and don’ts to manage PCOD:

1- It is better to avoid red meat and processed meat like hot dogs and sausages as it may increase the risk of infertility. Include lean meat like fish in your diet.

2- Because PCOD is related to insulin resistance, it is better to avoid a diet high in starch and sugar and limit the intake of highly processed carbohydrates. Intake of processed flour bread, desserts, and soft drinks should be avoided too.

3- Avoid saturated fats like beef, lamb, lard, cream, butter, and cheese. Saturated fats may raise cholesterol and may add extra pounds to your weight. Certain baked items are also full of such fats, so better to avoid them.

4- Whole wheat products, barley, chickpeas, lentils, split peas, quinoa, popcorn, and sweet potatoes are high in fiber and can help you lose weight when dieting.

5- Avoid sweets like jaggery, honey, refined cereals, and white rice.

6- Choose food items with low glycerine indexes, such as whole grains, wheat pasta, and brown rice.

7- Having almonds, nuts, walnuts, flax seeds, and sesame seeds can do wonders with PCOD.

8- Include more fruits and vegetables in your daily routine. Dark green leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and broccoli and red fruits like berries, peaches, watermelon, and apples are rich in nutrients and antioxidants.

9- PCOD individuals may also have water retention, which can be avoided by drinking plenty of water and eating small, frequent meals.

Home Remedies to manage PCOD

1- Early in the morning consume a warm glass of water with a pinch of lemon and honey.

2- Make your habit of taking a glass of milk with a pinch of turmeric and black pepper every day or consuming a bowl of yogurt.

3- Twice a week, try taking a smoothie of green vegetables such as spinach, kale, celery, green apples or brocollie

4- Seasonal fruits and vegetables must be a part of your daily routine.

5- Take one tbsp of desi ghee on an empty stomach.

6- Detox drinks

  • Fenugreek seed: In a glass of water, soak 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds overnight and drink that in the morning.
  • Coriander seeds: Soak 1 tbsp of coriander seeds in a lukewarm glass of water and consume that water.
  • Turmeric water: Boil a glass of water, add turmeric powder and drink turmeric tea.

How Can We Manage PCOD

PCOD cannot be treated completely, however, its symptoms may be decreased by making healthy lifestyle changes.

PCOD impacts female hormone balance. The following actions will assist women in lowering their androgen levels:

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Body mass index varies from 18.5 to 25.0 for females, with values more than 30 considered unhealthy. Maintaining a healthy body weight can aid in reducing overall cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes, and maintaining proper insulin and androgen levels, which can help restore ovulation in the menstrual cycle.
  • Healthy lifestyle changes: Healthy lifestyle changes include a nutritious diet, regular exercise, yoga, hydrating your body, and regulating your sleep patterns.
  • Deep breathing exercise: Breathing exercise releases carbon monoxide. Breathing is responsible for 70% of toxin removal in the body. If you don’t breathe fully, the body has to work extra hard to clear the toxins. When blood is sufficiently oxygenated, it transports and absorbs nutrients and vitamins more effectively. The cleaner the blood, the more difficult it is for infections to remain in your system. The more oxygen in the blood, the better our bodies perform and the stronger our bodies will be in fighting against diseases like PCOD.
  • Fasting for the cleansing of internal body organs: Fasting is an ancient tradition that has been followed for thousands of years for the treatment of various illnesses, rejuvenation, detoxifying, and healing. Fasting also encourages the body’s enzyme system to focus on detoxifying and breaking down toxins in the body fast and efficiently without the burden of heavy food digestion. Different fasting routines may reduce glucose and insulin levels which can be beneficial in shortening the symptoms of PCOD.
  • Change your posture: Sitting or standing in one position for a long time is linked with many diseases and health conditions, including obesity, back pain, depression, cardiovascular diseases, and many others. Frequent movements increase our body’s sensitivity to insulin, which reduces the risk of PCOD and other health issues.
  • Sunbathing: Exposure to sunshine increases vitamin D levels. An adequate vitamin D level is crucial for many different aspects of health. It may also be helpful for PCOD. Insulin resistance seems more severe in women with vitamin D deficiency and PCOD than in those with PCOD but no vitamin D deficiency. Insulin resistance is associated with poor blood sugar control, and this data suggests that vitamin D may play a role in insulin resistance in PCOD patients.
  • Moon bathing: The moon is associated with fertility and growth. Moonlight helps to heal and soothe the body in Ayurvedic medicine. The moon rejuvenates the body gently. Moonlight exposure reduces anxiety and stress while also improving relaxation by stimulating the natural production of melatonin (happy hormones). Ayurveda believes that moon bathing is especially beneficial for women because the moon is supposed to boost fertility and lead to more regular menstrual cycles.
  • Quality sleep: Poor sleep quality is associated with an increased risk of obesity and insulin resistance, both of which play significant roles in PCOD. Excessive wakefulness interferes with the function of various body organs, particularly the brain; it impairs digestion and creates gastrointestinal issues. Another issue of insufficient sleep is energy loss.
  • Avoid plastic containers and bottles: According to a new study, women with PCOD and PCOS may be more vulnerable to the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) found in many plastic household products. BPA levels are higher among women who have experienced many miscarriages. Food and beverage containers manufactured of polycarbonate hard plastic or covered with epoxy resins can absorb this toxin into the bloodstream.
  • Acupuncture: It is a safe and efficient PCOD treatment. Acupuncture therapy may help with PCOD by improving blood flow to the ovaries, decreasing ovarian volume and cyst count, regulating hyperglycemia by increasing insulin sensitivity and decreasing blood glucose and insulin levels, lowering cortisol levels, and assisting with weight loss.
  • Moving Cupping Therapy or Massage cupping therapy: Moving Cupping therapy is an excellent way to improve the symptoms of PCOD like inflammation, obesity, menstrual irregularities, migraines, and digestive disorders. It may also alleviate mental health issues like depression and anxiety attacks. Massage-like moving cupping treatment applies steady pressure to the vein that delivers blood to the uterus and ovaries. That causes blood to rush into the pelvic organs. Women with PCOD can benefit from this by improving circulation to the reproductive system, inducing ovulation, and managing menstruation. Massage therapy may also assist in breaking the connective tissue within the reproductive organs, reducing inflammation and anxiety. Relaxing your muscles and releasing internal tension will help your body sustain a healthy reproductive system.

Hijama Cupping Therapy

Hijama cupping therapy has been found effective treatment for Polycystic ovarian disease(PCOD), in which female ovaries produce immature or partly mature eggs, which become cysts in the ovaries. The success rate for the treatment of PCOD through Hijama cupping therapy is very high, Shukar Alhumduallah. Hijama cupping therapy induces ovulation and has an anovulatory cycle. It also helps to remove blockages and inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Hijama cupping helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. Cupping therapy increases the body’s ability to expel toxins. The lymphatic system removes toxins from the body and increases blood flow. The increased blood flow may help relieve muscular tension and promote natural healing. Cupping also energizes the body. As long as the energy inside the blood circulates, an individual remains healthy.

PCOD may not affect infertility in most women. They can ovulate and become pregnant with little help. Applying Hijama cups on the front side of the belly and at the lower back helps to target the problem area in the reproductive system that causes infertility.

Hijama cupping therapy detoxifies the body and regulates the menstrual cycle and hormonal imbalances. Hijama is also beneficial for several chronic health illnesses.

In a recent study, Hijama cupping therapy was assessed for the menstrual cycle, extra hair growth, and the manifestation of PCOS. The signs and symptoms of PCOS and PCOD are somewhat similar, as this study may be related to PCOD patients. According to Persian medicine recommendations, wet cupping therapy on calf muscles can induce menstrual bleeding. The study showed significant improvement in participants’ menstrual cycle, reduced extra hair growth, aid with insulin resistance, and diminished migraines. Generally, patients feel very confident about the increase in their well-being. Hijama cupping therapy helps to maintain the hormonal imbalance in the body. It helps to regulate menstrual periods and also eases menstruation and cramps. Hijama also helps with hirsutism ( a condition of unwanted male-pattern hair in women). Overall muscular pains also reduce with Hijama. It also helps to target the problem area in the reproductive system that causes infertility in women. Hijama is a natural, holistic, healing therapy that connects the body, mind, and soul. Hijama cupping therapy with a well-balanced diet and lifestyle change is the best treatment for PCOD. Allah (SWT) has provided us with tools like Hijama for Shifa, of course, the ultimate Shifa comes from Allah (SWT). Maintaining a healthy weight, following a complex carbohydrate diet, regular exercise, and being active will aid PCOD and its underlying symptoms.

Pcod Treatment Pcod Problem Pcod Hijama Treatment Home Remedies