Does Hijama Cupping Therapy Reduce Anxiety Attacks?


Experiencing anxiety is a part of life but people with anxiety attacks make the normal situations worse for them. Occasional anxiety is normal but constant anxiety attacks should be a concern. These negative feelings of anxiety hinder regular activities of life, family get-to-gathers or other social situations.

Back Pain And Hijama Cupping Therapy

back pain

You will be surprised to know that back pain is one of the most common health issues that people go to the doctor for treatment. It is also the most common reason for absence from work and a leading cause of disability worldwide.

Frozen Shoulder & Hijama Cupping Therapy


Frozen shoulder is also called adhesive capsulitis. It is a very painful condition in which you can’t move your shoulder freely. Pain and stiffness develop in the shoulder joint which becomes worse slowly. Mostly it takes one to three years to recover from a frozen shoulder.

What Side Effects Should We Expect After Hijama/Wet Cupping Therapy?

side effect

Hijama cupping therapy is a safe and secure therapy. Generally, it does not cause any severe side effects. However, some symptoms may occur for some people. Hijama doesn’t create any life-threatening side effects. The symptoms or side effects of Hijama cupping therapy vary from person to person. It depends upon the individual’s overall health, lifestyle, food choices and what kind of skin type or blood type a person has. Let’s discuss some of them.

Does Hijama Cupping Therapy Help With Tingling In Hands And Feet?


A burning or prickling feeling known as paresthesia typically affects the hands, arms, legs, or feet but can also happen in other areas of the body. The sudden onset of the sensation, typically painless, is described as buzzing, skin crawling, or tingling. Temporary paresthesia can also be described as “pins and needles”. People feel the sensations mostly when they sleep on their arms or sit too long in the position with their legs crossed.

How To Take Care Of Your Skin After Hijama Cupping Therapy?

skin after hijama

Hijama Cupping Therapy is an alternative medical therapy that involves suction. Cups are applied to the skin to facilitate suction. The suction is like a deep tissue massage intended to mobilize the blood flow and speed up the natural healing procedure. It is necessary to educate the client about the skin’s sensitivity after the Hijama is done.

How Many Hijama Sunnah Points Are There & What Are Their Benefits?

hijama points

Several ahadith for Hijama have proven that Hijama cupping therapy is the sunnah of our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUM). The treatment of Hijama cupping therapy is an Islamic, natural and prophetic remedy for various common diseases. It was a standard method used by the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions to deal with several ailments.

Benefits of Hijama point no: 53 & 54.


Hijama Cupping Therapy is an alternative medicine involving suction from a body part. Cups are applied to the skin to facilitate suction. The suction is like a deep tissue massage intended to mobilize blood flow and speed up the natural healing process. The benefits of Hijama cupping therapy can not be described in a few words. It is a natural treatment that has a long history.

Benefits of Hijama/ Wet Cupping Therapy Under The Chin


everal ahadith for Hijama have proven that Hijama cupping therapy is the sunnah of our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUM). The treatment of Hijama cupping therapy is an Islamic, natural and prophetic remedy for various common diseases. It was a standard method used by the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions to deal with several ailments.