Best Options To Apply On The Skin After Hijama Session

Best oils to apply on the skin

Let’s discuss several options that can be applied to the skin after Hijama Cupping Therapy. Hijama/wet Cupping Therapy is an ancient alternative medical treatment for ailments and health issues. In today’s world, the continuous use of medications exhausts and irritates people, so they seek alternative therapies. This has made Hijama/Wet cupping therapy increasingly popular. For […]

What Is The Appropriate Age To Perform Hijama Cupping Therapy?

hijama cupping therapy

Hijama therapy is generally suitable for individuals between the ages of 14 and 70. This age range ensures safety and optimal results.Today, cupping therapy has gained global recognition and is practiced in various cultures. Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Arabs, and Greeks, as well as Prophetic medicine, all utilized different forms of cupping. The primary goals of […]

Benefits of Hijama/Wet Cupping Points No: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Hijamapoints at the back

Hijama cupping therapy is a traditional alternative medical treatment that reduces pain and provides relaxation to the body. Hijama cupping therapy involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. The suction improves the flow of energy and facilitates the healing process. The mechanism of cupping therapy works by applying negative pressure on the skin. […]

Benefits Of Neck Hijama Points 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44

Neck hijama points

Hijama cupping therapy effectively reduces neck pain and alleviates muscle tension by targeting neck Hijama points. Hijama cupping therapy is a traditional healing practice involving cups on the skin to create suction. This suction enhances energy flow and promotes the body’s natural healing processes. The mechanism of cupping therapy operates by applying negative pressure to […]

What Are The Major Causes of Depression & How To Prevent Them?

depressed woman on the bed

Being a Hijama Therapist, I have observed that depression has become a part of our daily routine life. Feeling down from time to time is normal, but when negative feelings take hold of you for longer than usual, then you may have depression. It is a mental disorder that causes constant feelings of sadness and […]

Is It Safe To Use Local Anesthesia Before Hijama/Wet Cupping Therapy?

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia before Hijama/wet cupping therapy is not recommended for therapeutic benefits. What Is Local Anesthesia? Local anesthesia can be used in the form of a cream or a spray to numb a part of the body to avoid pain during any surgical procedure, in our case to prevent pain during the process of Hijama […]

Does Hijama/Wet Cupping Break Wudu(Ablution)?


This is a common question, I usually come across whether the Hijama break Wudu. According to the Islamic point of view, there are two schools of thought whether cupping breaks wudu or we can perform salaah after cupping without performing ablution. What Breaks Wudu Wudu is an Islamic ritual performed by Muslims before prayer. It […]

What are the necessary preperations before Hijama Cupping therapy?

plastic cups

The suction of the cups facilitates healing with blood flow, improves the natural immune system and may cure several health disorders. Hijama Cupping Therapy increases the blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed. It may relieve muscular tension, promotes cell repair, form new tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissues.

How Often Should Hijama Cupping Therapy Be Applied To A Person?


This is a very common question asked by several people how often should a person receive Hijama treatment in a year? Ancient medical scholars and physicians, Avicenna and Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicines, have advocated Hijama cupping therapy in their medical books. From Avicenna to Hippocrates, many ancient Muslim medical scholars and physicians recommended that Hijama Cupping Therapy should be applied at least twice a year.

Depression, Anxiety, Stress, And Hijama Cupping Therapy.

Depression, anxiety, and stress are very common conditions that everyone experiences in their life now and then. If you are unhappy in such a specific situation that doesn’t mean that you are in depression. Feeling down from time to time is normal but when negative feelings take hold of you for longer than usual then you may have depression. It is a mental disorder that causes a constant feeling of sadness and unshakable dark emotions.