Is It Safe To Shower Instantly After Hijama Cupping Therapy?ah Food!

It is not recommended to shower instantly after Hijama. A few precautions should be taken to abstain from impurities.

Hijama Cupping Therapy is an alternative medical treatment for several health disorders that emphasizes the healing of the body, mind and soul. Hijama Cupping reduces the pain and heals the body on a cellular level.

Proper aftercare is crucial to get maximum benefits from cupping. One of the most vital instructions is to avoid showering for the next few hours.

After the cupping session, your practitioner will advise you to avoid showering for at least 12 to 16 hours. The treated areas of your body have become extra sensitive after the treatment so the best thing is to give your body some time to recover.

This instruction should be strictly followed because suction and incisions open the pores. That makes the skin very vulnerable. Taking a hot bath in this condition can cause inflammation and damage to the skin. If you want to shower with cold water you can easily catch a cold because your pores are open.

Some people may experience Hematoma, a medical term for bruising. So showering after bruising is not a good idea.

There is another reason to avoid showering instantly after cupping. When a practitioner makes incisions on your skin, they tear your skin. The skin is open to infections at this point. Applying chemicals like soap, shampoo, body wash or conditioner to skin that is open to infections could be a risk. These hair and body products have strong chemicals. There is no harm in using them regularly but after cupping when the pores are open and the skin is vulnerable to infections, it is highly recommended to avoid showering for a few hours. If any of those chemicals enter the body through the incisions, it could cause infections. So, taking precautions is mandatory to avoid infections.

After the cupping session, sometimes body temperature reduces. Although there is no direct evidence that body temperature decreases after the cupping session, there is a theory that body temperature lessens due to the behavioural thermoregulatory response at that time. Till the time when the body temperature gets back to its normal state, avoid a shower.

Some of the other Hijama Practitioners believe that showering (Ghusal) with only water doesn’t cause any harm to the body. If you avoid applying chemical substances on the skin then only water cause no harm.

In a nutshell, Hijama is a natural, holistic, healing therapy. Hijama cupping therapy has countless health benefits that help to improve an individual’s overall health. A few precautions should be considered after the session to avoid infections.s.