The combination of watermelon and dates is mentioned in several ahadith. Let’s explore them and the benefits of this powerful combo.

Our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was not fond of food and drinks. He always ate food without any objection. The food combinations He was advised to make were delicious, nutritious, and beneficial for health. One of the most famous combinations our Prophet ate and encouraged was watermelon with dates.
Aaisha (R.A) said, “Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H) used to eat melon with fresh dates, and then said, ‘We remove the heat of this one (dates) with the coldness of this one (watermelon), and the coldness of this one (watermelon) with the heat of this one (dates)” Sunan Abi Dawud 3836.
There are hadiths from the Prophet PBUH that state the benefits of eating watermelon. Some of them are:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) stated:
“No single woman eats watermelon while pregnant unless their child will be born with a beautiful face and character.”
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) mentioned:
“Eating watermelon before any meal will cleanse one’s stomach and prevent illness.”
Ibn Al Qayyim also mentioned the benefits of watermelon in his book The Prophetic Medicine. He says that eating watermelon cleanses the body, helps flush stones away from the stomach, and is quicker to digest.

Watermelon is one of the sunnah foods. It is narrated in Al Tirmidhi that the Prophet (P.B.U.H) ate watermelon with fresh dates as “the cold effect of one removes the heat of the other, and the heat of one removes the cold effect of the other.” Watermelon has 90% water, which is considered cold. Watermelon keeps an individual hydrated, and balances water intake in the body which helps to move waste away from the body through urination, sweating and bowel movements. The cold nature of this fruit regulates the body temperature. While dates are considered warm and may produce heat in the body, taking them together balances their shortcomings and enhances the benefits.
Benefits Of Watermelon and Dates
- Watermelon can be a snack because essential nutrients are absorbed properly on an empty stomach. Taking dates early in the morning promotes healthy weight loss by increasing metabolism and decreasing fatty acids. It also kills the intestinal worms and parasites in the stomach.
- Dates contain 65 g of sugar per 100 g serving, while watermelon has 6 g of sugar per 100 g serving. Dates contain fructose and glucose, they contain a very high amount of sugar. Eating watermelon with dates may balance the sugar intake.
- Being warm in nature dates may produce heat in the body while watermelon regulates the body temperature being cold.
- Watermelon is high in water and low in calories, so it is a good option for weight management. Dates are also a good fit for weight loss, being low in fat and high in fibre. Three dates at one time reduce the urge to eat more. Dates and watermelon are game changers for anyone’s weight loss journey.
- Dates and watermelon both potentially improve male fertility.
- Watermelon and dates contain nutrients and minerals essential for a smooth pregnancy. Watermelon reduces morning sickness, swelling, muscle cramps and dehydration during pregnancy. Dates are an excellent choice to satisfy sugar cravings during pregnancy.
- Watermelon helps to manage vertigo by improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation. Dates are also recommended for dizziness as their consumption helps with low sugar levels and blood pressure, a major cause of dizziness.
- Watermelon and dates are terrific for healthy digestion. The high amount of water and a small amount of fibre keeps digestion moving smoothly. The soluble and insoluble fibre in dates may promote good gut bacteria, and prevent constipation and diarrhea.
- The human body produces free radicals through air pollution, stress or environmental pressure. Keeping these radicals in the system could lead to serious health issues. Watermelon and dates both contain antioxidants that protect blood cells from free radicals.
- Watermelon contains vitamins, minerals and lycopene that boost collagen, improving skin elasticity, repairing skin cells and preventing dry skin. Several minerals in dates may enhance skin glow and freshness.
Watermelon & Dates Recipe
1 – Watermelon and dates can be eaten as a snack. Wash, dice and eat them together.
2 – Watermelon and dates smoothie is delicious and healthy. Only two ingredients are required: watermelon and dates. Blend them in a blender and enjoy a tasty smoothie.
3 – Watermelon and dates milkshake. This recipe requires watermelon, dates, strawberries (optional) and yogurt, one of the best options for a morning meal.
4-Fruit salad: Add all the fruits in your kitchen, including watermelon and dates, mix them well, and enjoy a nutritious salad.
Doesn’t matter which method you follow to take watermelon and dates together whether as a smoothie in a glass or as a salad in a bowl, they are energy boosters. This combination keeps you healthy, fresh and active. Both are popular sunnah foods, mentioned in several ahadith and in our Holy Quran Majeed too.