Talbina ( Barley Porridge), A Sunnah Food!

Talbina, a barley porridge was one of the main foods added to the diet of Our Beloved Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).

The word Talbina comes from the Arabic word “LABAN” meaning milk or yogurt. This Arabic word can also be conjugated as “Albaan”.

What is Talbina?

Talbina is a classic Arabic dish made from barley flour and cooked with water or milk, or you can add whatever you want to the dish. It has been used in the Middle East and North America for centuries and is well-known for its nutritional benefits. Talbina, barley porridge is delicious and nutritious. Talbina clears the toxins from the stomach. The fiber in Talbina eases digestion and prevents constipation and gastrointestinal issues. It also aids weight loss and reduces cravings and calorie intake. It has shown great significance in reducing type-2 diabetes. Talbina is an amazing remedy for depression.

Ingredients to prepare Talbina:One cup of Milk/water​2 tbsp Barley flour​Honey ( to taste)DryOne cup of Milk/water

  • ​2 tbsp Barley flour​
  • Honey ( to taste)
  • Dry fruits, dates, seeds, and dried apricots ( Optional )
  • Fresh Fruits (optional) fruits, dates, seeds, and dried apricots ( Optional )resh Fruits (optional)

Method: Roast barley powder, boil milk/water, and add everything including roasted barley. Cook for 10 minutes and enjoy nutritious and delicious Talbina.

Talbina (Barley) According to Islam

Barley was one of the main foods added to the diet of our Holy Prophet (PBUH). At least twenty-one ahadith recommend Satto (powdered barley). Talbina is a meal that contains Satoo, milk, and honey. Scholars of ahadith have understood barley to be very nutritious and healthy for the body.

It was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah, the wife of the Prophet (P.B.U.H), that if a family member died, the women would gather together and then depart, except her relatives and close friends. She would order a pot of Talbinah to be cooked, then the Talbinah would be poured over it.

Then she would say: Eat some of it, for I heard the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) say: “Talbinah soothes the heart of the sick person, and it takes away some of the grief.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5101; Muslim, 2216.

Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said, describing Talbinah:

It is a food made from flour or bran, to which honey may be added. It is so called because it resembles milk in its whiteness and consistency. Its benefit is that it is soft and well-cooked, not hard and raw.

In another Hadith narrated by Umm Kulthum, it is said: I heard Aisha RA say, “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “You must have what you find unpleasant but beneficial (i.e. Talbinah); by the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, indeed it cleanses the stomach of one of you, just as one of you washes his face from dirt, with water.” — [Sunan An Nisai Al Kubra, #7575]

Ibn al Qayyim has also mentioned the benefits of Talbina in his book “The Prophetic Medicine”.

Health Benefits Of Talbina (Barley)

Talbina may also provide mental health benefits to everyone especially elderly people.

Highly nutritious Talbina Strengthens the body’s immune system.

Talbina helps lose weight by reducing hunger and cravings.

Talbina promotes a balance of good gut bacteria that is beneficial for digestion.

Barley can reduce the formation of gallstones in the liver.

Barley’s selenium preserves skin elasticity.

Barley is a natural remedy for osteoporosis.

Talbina is beneficial for diabetic patients. It is one of the richest sources of chromium, which is important in maintaining blood glucose levels.

Barley aids in the regulation of cholesterol levels.​​​

Barley stabilizes blood pressure.

​Barley has copper which is very helpful to diminish the symptoms of arthritis. ​

Iron in barley increases blood volume which prevents anemia and fatigue.

Barley facilitates proper kidney function.

Zinc in barley speeds up the natural healing process.

Talbina is recommended for post-menopausal problems in women.

Talbina is also rich in antioxidants and contains a high concentration of tocotrienols, oils that help reduce the risk of cancer and heart diseases.

Talbina’s anti-inflammatory properties alleviate chronic inflammation in the gut.

Talbina for Depression, Anxiety & Stress

The Prophet (PBUH) promoted Talbina in some of the ahadith, Talbina can calm restless hearts and lessen grief during anxiety and depression. Several studies have proved that Talbina is a high-carbohydrate food. The nutritional composition of Talbinah, mainly the high carbohydrate content, differential amino acid ratio, and zinc content may reduce the symptoms of depression and encourage good mood. Talbina is a rich source of tryptophan, responsible for generating serotonin hormones. These hormones promote better sleep which relaxes muscles and relieves the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Modern science has discovered the enormous benefits of Talbina such as treating sick hearts, lowering cholesterol, reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety, promoting good gut bacteria, maintaining blood sugar levels, and several other benefits mentioned above. It is highly recommended to add Talbina as a regular part of your daily diet routine to get good results from its nutritional combinations.