Benefits Of Henna For Headaches With Hijama & Prophetic Medicine
In Prophetic Medicine, Henna is considered very effective for headaches.
Al-Bukhari and Abu-Dawud in his sunan recorder: Never did anyone complain to the Messenger of Allah(PBUH) of a headache, but the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said to him. Let you be cupped and never did anyone complain to Him (PBUH) from pain in the leg. The messenger of Allah said, Let you apply henna to your leg.It is recorded in At-Tirmidhi on the authority of Salma Umm Rafi, the maidservant of the prophet (PBUH) said: Never was the Prophet (PBUH) afflicted by an ulcer or a thorn but that he applied the henna on it.Ibn Majah recorded in his sunan a hadith: “ Whenever the Prophet (PBUH) suffered headache, he used to cover his head with the henna and says, ‘ it will benefit in curing headache, by the will of Allah”.