Lipoma, Home Remedies, Diet & Hijama Cupping Therapy
Lipomas are common and rarely harmful. One in every thousand people develop lipomas in their lifetime. They typically do not require treatment, but if they bother an individual, are painful, or are growing again, an individual should treat them.
Is Hijama/Wet Cupping Therapy Beneficial for Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that most commonly affects facial skin.
Rosacea causes redness on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. In some cases, redness may appear on the neck, ears, or chest. In worst cases, the redness becomes more intense when you may witness facial flushing, irritated skin, acne, and pimples. Small broken blood vessels may also become visible on the skin. It may also produce small pus-filled bumps. Sometimes rosacea is mistaken for acne, natural redness, or other skin problems.