How Hijama Aligns with Sunnah: A Holistic Approach to Health

Hijama Aligns with Sunnah

The Sunnah serves as a guiding principle in the life of every practicing Muslim, influencing not only spiritual aspects but also physical and mental well-being. Among the many traditions rooted in the Sunnah, Hijama (cupping therapy) holds a special place as a recommended form of treatment for various ailments. This natural therapy, when combined with […]

How I Treated My Skin Eczema With Hijama Cupping Therapy?

Hijama Cupping Therapy

Hijama cupping therapy played a vital role in completing my journey towards recovery against eczema within 13 months. Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin issue that affects individuals of all ages but children are mostly affected by eczema. It is considered a type of dermatitis that causes skin inflammation. It is not contagious. Our skin […]

Best Options To Apply On The Skin After Hijama Session

Best oils to apply on the skin

Let’s discuss several options that can be applied to the skin after Hijama Cupping Therapy. Hijama/wet Cupping Therapy is an ancient alternative medical treatment for ailments and health issues. In today’s world, the continuous use of medications exhausts and irritates people, so they seek alternative therapies. This has made Hijama/Wet cupping therapy increasingly popular. For […]

What Is The Appropriate Age To Perform Hijama Cupping Therapy?

hijama cupping therapy

Hijama therapy is generally suitable for individuals between the ages of 14 and 70. This age range ensures safety and optimal results.Today, cupping therapy has gained global recognition and is practiced in various cultures. Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Arabs, and Greeks, as well as Prophetic medicine, all utilized different forms of cupping. The primary goals of […]

What Are The Major Causes of Depression & How To Prevent Them?

depressed woman on the bed

Being a Hijama Therapist, I have observed that depression has become a part of our daily routine life. Feeling down from time to time is normal, but when negative feelings take hold of you for longer than usual, then you may have depression. It is a mental disorder that causes constant feelings of sadness and […]

What Type Of Cupping Therapy Reduces Menstral Cramps?

A lady sitting on the sofa putting her hands on her face.

Dysmenorrhea is a medical term for the throbbing and aching cramps in the lower abdomen before and during the menstrual period. Menstrual cramps can be mild or severe. Some ladies feel mere discomfort during the menstrual cycle and for others, the severe cramps may interfere with their daily routine activities. Severe cramps usually happen for […]

How to Improve Blood Circulation With Hijama Cupping Therapy?

Blood cells running around.

The human body holds around 60,000 miles of blood vessels all around the body which is called the circulatory system. Blood is an important fluid for the body. It transforms oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, fights infections, and performs other vital functions. Blood has four main components: 1- Plasma 2- Red Blood Cells 3- […]

Does Hijama Cupping Therapy Help Get Rid Of Food Cravings?

Platter wuth healthy fruits in it

Food cravings can lead us to choose unhealthy food and may disrupt our efforts to follow a healthy diet for healthy living. What Is A Food Craving? A food craving is an uncontrollable force that inclines an individual to consume a specific type of food, specifically unhealthy. Why We Crave For Food? Human bodies crave […]

Is It Safe To Use Local Anesthesia Before Hijama/Wet Cupping Therapy?

spray bottle

Local anesthesia before Hijama/wet cupping therapy is not recommended for therapeutic benefits. What Is Local Anesthesia? Local anesthesia can be used in the form of a cream or a spray to numb a part of the body to avoid pain during any surgical procedure, in our case to prevent pain during the process of Hijama […]

What are the necessary preperations before Hijama Cupping therapy?

plastic cups

The suction of the cups facilitates healing with blood flow, improves the natural immune system and may cure several health disorders. Hijama Cupping Therapy increases the blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed. It may relieve muscular tension, promotes cell repair, form new tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissues.